music videos help.

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
hello there, iv been looking everywhere to download: DJ Sammy - Why (its a 2005 song)

i cannot find it anywhere only on youtube but the qualitys rubbish.

if any one could help me at all in finding this video or know websites that might have it for download (resonable quality)

please let me know :)

its my fav song of all time everrrr

the youtube version:
thanks. yep i found that one too, thanks for reply tho.

do you know anywhere i could download it tho? or anyway to download it from that website.
IceShock said:
dno. i dont see many music videos "for sale" tho in shops. tbh never seen any

You do get them, sometimes on music CDs themselves and sometimes as a collection on a DVD. However even if you didn't get them separately it could still be illegal to download anything other than a transitory copy because copyright (actually multiple copyrights) can exist in a music video. I don't know if DJ Sammys record company has ever released the video in a format you can buy though.

The original of the song is better than that version I reckon. :)
heh ok well.

is there a website with etleast a 800x600 version of the video anywhere thats high quality to view not download :rolleyes: heh

thanks :)
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