Music website

26 Dec 2020
I am trying to make a music website for music from a certain country. Let's assume it's Klingon music.

Now in Klingon, they love their music. Sadly, with the introduction of auto-tune, modern Klingon singers have ruined Klingon music. Klingons still love their old singers but old Klingon music is spread all over the place. Some are on audio cassettes and music CD's that can be found in some Klingon markets and some are on Youtube. Now, recording studios in Klingon are not bothered about copyright infringement unlike their Western counterparts.

I am thinking of making a website like this.

Klingon singer Worf
Album A
-Song A
-Song B
-Song C

Album B
-Song A
-Song B
-Song C

Klingon singer Kaplah
Album A
-Song A
-Song B
-Song C

Album B
-Song A
-Song B
-Song C

When someone clicks on a song, they should be able to listen to it. I am not interested in making it available for download as I will then need to pay more for bandwidth and website storage. Some songs will link to music videos of the songs , if available.

I can handle the Web design and development side. I am unsure of which website to use to upload the music to.

Any ideas or has anyone done something similar?
How many songs/albums are there that you're planning to link to?

Hosting is fairly cheap and bandwidth even more so, realistically you could be looking at storing at least 2,000 tracks on most entry-level standard web hosting plans (10GB for a few £/month) before you start need to adding more storage. Bandwidth is unlikely to be an issue you need to be concerned about.
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How many songs/albums are there that you're planning to link to?

Hosting is fairly cheap and bandwidth even more so, realistically you could be looking at storing at least 2,000 tracks on most entry-level standard web hosting plans (10GB for a few £/month) before you start need to adding more storage. Bandwidth is unlikely to be an issue you need to be concerned about.

I would say about a hundred.
Could you go for SoundCloud and embed the tracks to stream them? I was looking at similar for a friend's site where he wanted to sell sound effects and needed then streamable for demo.
The most important question he is:

Do you own the rights to distribute the klingon music?

If not, there's no way you should be hosting it yourself - unless you want to open yourself up to massive legal issues. At most I'd potentially look to scrape youtube and embed videos from there.
I'd probably go with something like Amazon S3 for storage. I'm not sure why streaming would use less storage and bandwidth than downloading? 1 person downloading a song would require exactly the same bandwidth and storage capacity as 1 person streaming the song.
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