Musical Quiz

14 May 2003
Leigh, Lancs
My Niece got a Muscial Quiz A4 paper to complete from school to do with her Mum & Dad at Home. My sister managed a few and had to ask moi for help :)

Anyway, we've managed to complete it all and I thought it would be good to share this, a few got us stumped for a while but managed it all.

Example of the Quiz is as follows.

Left Over Apples - (Answer) The Corrs

1. Throw Fruit -
2. Undisciplined people -
3. Young Male Place -
4. Spannish Heavweight in Toilet -
5. The Cost of Watching a Comet -
6. Nuns tobogganing -
7. Dick, Groucho, Harpo and Zippo -
8. Victoria, Mary and Elizabeth -
9. Insanity -
10. Dark Sunday -

11. Warm Galaxy -
12. Friendly Prickly bush -
13. Distribute Equally -
14. Unemployment Card -
15. Young men Selling mice -
16. Drenched three times -
17. Blackpool Raincoats -
18. Raincoats in a cememtry -
19. Gendarmes -
20. Explosive City rodents -

21. Year Quarters -
22. Silhouettes -
23. BA. MA. PhD. -
24. Refinement Association -
25. Hebrew Beginning -
26. Pale Serpent -
27. Babies on the slab -
28. South American Instamatic -
29. Easy Readable -
30. Sobs in Panic -

31. Get Paste from Tube -
32. Part Time Coppers -
33. Correct commented Truman -
34. Champagne and Orange Juice -
35. Non British Person -
36. Navy Chiefs -
37. Late Night athlete on Deck C -
38. Pair of Machine Guns -
39. Both of Us -
40. Hamlet Humans -

Cheers ;)
Well I thought that at first then looked at the other clue's and answers. Like Blackpool Raincoats.. (plural) Fleetwood Mac, I don't think it has to be precise, but I could be wrong with Bad Manners. If anyone has anything better then I'll go with theirs. But as it stands (to me) Ban Manners fits.
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