Muskin Redline WHATS WRONG?!

26 Jan 2006

Today I bought 2 x 512mb of Muskin dual channge 4000 stuff.

I put it in my motherboard, the first time it booted fine, then all reboots failed.

It wouldnt even post!

Then I jumped to flash bios, and it would boot, but only while jumper in flashed mode; if I put it back, it wouldnt boot!

My motherboard is Asrock dual sata 939,

Anyone got any ideas?
Clear CMOS, then go into BIOS and set 2.9V. Reboot and set 2-2-2-5 (or whatever) timings.

I don't think your board supports more than 2.9V? Kinda wrong as that stuff clocks well with 3.4+V

Also, make sure you have a fan over the mem.

Was thinking that, am going to do the volt mod for memory in a week or so - waiting for solder,

but I cant set it to 2.9 or whatever the higher one becuase to boot it, the jumper must be in flash bios mode which iirc disconnects the battery, so any settings made in that mode arnt kept :(.
Alright, thanks, done that, got it to post a few times, then again become unstable. Iv read that high on asrock is only 2.7V thou? How much you reckon I should be supplying the RAM?

Im trying to figure out which RAM volt mod to implement now; as I think you guys are right - tis like of V's.

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