Must Buy Films?

18 Feb 2006
Looking to buy a few more DVD's as theres a big sale on @ HMV.

Already own hundreds, but watched near enough every one.

So, what films are must buys?

The list that i think im gonna buy so far:

Open Range
Breakfast Club
Warrior King (Tony Jaa)

Any you can name?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Sin City.

I'm not very good at lists :( :p

:edit: Memento
Zefan said:
You don't need any more DVDs man! :p
Haha but ive seen most of these films quite a few times.

Wanting something else that i can watch :p

Havent seen a film thats brought a tear to my eye like Monty Python (laughing ofcourse :p).

Havent had the attraction of a film since V for Vendetta either, was glued to that when it came out. Along with King Kong.
Not in any paticular order:

Terminator Ultimate Edition
Total Recall
Conan The Barbarian
28 Days Later
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
Prince of Darkness
Assault on Precint 13
Escape from New York
They Live
The Thing

There are clearly loads more but that'll do.
requiem for a dream
alien quadrilogy (if only for the assembly cut of alien 3...which transforms it into one of the best...)
clerks II (so you can see a friend of mine and his wife...)
the machinist
john carpenters the thing

Just a few off the top of my head.

Blade Runner
The Crow
The Hitcher
Starship Troopers
Escape from New York
Pitch Black
The Mummy
Superman 2
Shaun of the Dead
The Terminator
Terminator 2
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im guessing you have seen most of these but just incase..

the butterfly effect
american history x
batman begins
bourne identity + supremacy
team america world police
million dollar baby
cinderella man

infact im pretty sure you have all of the ones i mentioned

judging by how many you have you may have reached the point where any film you buy may just seem to be a waste of money
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