Must buy PC games?

10 Sep 2008
Hi Guys,

As per title, I've got a 4690k and GTX 970 build in a new rig and looking to play some games!
Alien Isolation, Heroes of the Storm, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Far Cry 4, Tomb Raider

Just a few of the things I have liked recently
If you like space games and flying sims then try Elite Dangerous.

Obviously, BF4, Hardline them kind of shooters. Dirt, the F1 series if you like racing games.

Also the new batman is supposed to be really good, i played a couple of the older ones and they were really good.
Wolfenstein New Order: best single player FPS for years
Civ 5 (must have both expansions)
Shadow of Mordor
Alien Isolation
Planetside 2 (best multi player FPS)
Another vote for the above AAA titles, but if you fancy something a bit more story driven:

The walking dead season 1&2
Brothers: a tale of two sons

Both excellent games.

For graphics bling the AAA titles are the way to go though.
to be honest there are no must buys any more the market is flooded with games. its more a case of "what do you think i'll enjoy and how much?"
there is a lot of dross out there but equally a lot of gems to.
FarCry4 - beautiful game, runs very well now.

At full ultra my 780 gets around 40fps, but its worth it, my god the game looks amazing.
Witcher 2 is pretty cheap nowadays and it's probably still one of the most demanding games if you want to push your new rig. Plus Witcher 3 is coming out soon anyway so you could familiarize yourself with the world if you intend to get that!
The mass effect trilogy?
Just getting through Mass effect 1 myself now. Very good game even for its age. Its been modded obviously though ;)
Agree with most of the above.

I will add, Dying Light, as it's one of the best games I have played over the last year, and Ryse Son of Rome as probably the best graphics I have seen during the time I have owned my 970.

I loved the game as well, even if it is short.
Fallout 3
Trine / Trine 2 - great visuals and interesting games

Games people have mentioned I'd recommend are:

Batman Series
Sleeping Dogs (such an underrated game)

Oldies but goodies:

The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena (this includes the previous Riddick Game - Escape from Butcher Bay which is another underrated game but absolutely fantastic).

Shadow of Mordor. I've put around 50 hours into it and have only done just over half of the main missions. It's great fun and you can get it for under a tenner now. Buy it.
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