Must have PS2 Games?

20 Jun 2005
What must have PS2 games are there?

I wanna know!

These are some i think are must have's:

-GT3 and GT4
-Pro Evolution Soccer 3 and 4,5
-Resident Evil 4
-GTA:VC and SA
-Soul Calibur
-The Burnout games?
-Final Fantasy Games
MGS3, and MGS2 for completeness
Time SPlitters 3
The Jak And Daxters and The Ratchet and Clank's for probably the best platform games on any format imho
Karamari Damacy is nice and original, but it doesn't have the definite have to have that quality about it.

Oh, and Mario 64 is still untouched as the best platformer.
Mario 64 is not the best platformer if you dont like that style of platformer. I had it on my DS and didnt enjoy it anywhere near as much as ratchet and clank or Jak and Daxter
I played Katamari Damacy 2 player, its really funny but 1 player might get repetitive. Meh...i got Socom 2 but i never actually got it to work online :(
Final Fantasy 10 if you have even the slightest interest in RPG's. 10-2 isn't a must have.

Silent Hill 3 I would recommend as well.
Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3

Of course, no-one knows what the hell I'm on about so just ignore :p

Plus these:
Metal Gear Solid 3
Gran Turismo 4
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Generic Rehash 6
Generic Rehash 7
Generic Rehash 8 <-- highly recommended

Sorry, got carried away... :rolleyes:
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sharingan_sasuk said:
Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3

Of course, no-one knows what the hell I'm on about so just ignore :p

Brilliant game ;)

Thanks for this thread someone just randomly gave me a slim PS2 and i needed some game ideas:D
Destroy All Humans is a lot of fun and can also be picked up for only £19.97 new in GAME @ the moment.

Ghosthunter is a very underated survival horror game which is also rather good.
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