Muzza's Strength training log.

22 Dec 2010
West Lothian
Ok so I've decided to disregard aesthetics for the near future... not like I was a shredded beast in the first place! Aesthetics was always more important to me than being stonk but gonna change thing's up a bit and not worry about eating like a horse.

Made some good since my big cut from 19 stone.
Back up to 100kgs and sitting around 15% bf.

Current lifts are as follows:

Bench - 141kg
Deadlift 200kg
Squat 190kg

I can dumbell shoulder press 40kg's 5 x 5 and push press 95kg for a couple decent reps.
Dumbells only go up to 40'kgs so I'll have to make do.

I'm starting up this here captains log to keep track of progress and to get help with form amongst other thing's.
A lot of experienced dude's on here that know they're stuff and I was given a stupid amount of help and knowledge by you guy's when I was starting out looking like Jabba the hut.

Recently started training with another lad at my gym.
He's a rugby player and a few stone heavier but been out of action for a while so atm his strength and goals are similar.

We've set up a programme based around compound lifts.
Plenty of volume and has us doing all three major lifts twice a week 5x5 & 7 x 3.
I've done 5 x 5 before as well as gvt and smolov so shouldn't be too bad.

This morning's training in following order

5x5 160kg squats
5x5 bench press 116kg
5x5 negative squats 130kg
5 x 5 incline bench 100kg
5x5 paused squats 130kg
5x5 close grip bench 100kg
5x5 skull crushers 40kg

Weighted sit ups and stretching too finish off.
Definitely a lot of volume and was totally in clip afterwards. I know a few of you will probably think it's bit silly doing that much however my body only really responds when doing lot's of sets.

I have a video of today's paused squats to y
Upload and a shirt clip of push presses we we're doing yesterday.

Cheers for stopping by.
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In 4 big sexeh gains.

Tbh that looks like an unsustainable amount of volume, I don't know what is planned for the rest of the week of course.

If you find that it takes volume for your lower body to respond I would recommend your heavy sets then followed by some lighter higher volume sets. Perhaps 3 x 5 and then in the range of 2 to 3 sets of 15-20 reps.

I've never been one to be able to achieve decent volume when using RM's for more than 2 or 3 consecutive sets. They key to lower body development for me has always been higher repetition work with a moderate load. This approach worked well for me during DC training.

Just my 2 cents.

Cheers for input bro.
Yeap it is pretty ridiculous the amount of volume we are doing hopefully we can adjust to it. not sure what we are doing tomorrow but mostly likely assistance work/ hyper trophy . I'll make sure to log.
Yea I'm the same mate.I think we'll be doing high reps with exercises like leg press/extentions and stuff leg deadlifts etc so hopefully heavy and hypertrophy together will aid in gainz.

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Cheers mucker ^

Today we done a bunch of accessory work.

4x 12 calf 160kg Raises
Stiff leg deads 70kg 4 x12
Good morning's 4 x 12 30kg
Lat pull downs 60kg 4 x 12
Leg extentions 4 x 12 70kg
Shrugs barbell 110kg 4 x 12
Shoulder press 4 x 30kg cable's.

Training partner is set on doing 12reps even for the leg exercises so I had to keep upping weight to find right amount of weight I would fail on around 12 reps since used to doing 20 reps.

Lower back was killing me I think a mixture of doms and lkwer back pump. Pain disappeared when we got onto lat pull downs.

7x3 deadlifts tomorrow as well as push presses so going be tough.

Current weight - 99.6kg.
Will be eating 3000 cals a day and aiming for 200> protein and around 200grams carbs.
Today was heavy deadlifts and push press.
7 x 3 with 180kg deadlifts
7 x 3 with 81kg Push press
Heavy Hammer curls 5 x 5
Finished off with some rear delt stuff.

I think we might have over done it with weigh.
Only just managed to finish each set and form was non existant 6/7 set which yea was stupid to carry on at that weight as rounding was bad.
Going to upload form, feel free to slate/ give pointers as my form definitely needs work.
Never had anyone correct my form or show me proper technique as gym is full of phaggots.
Only just now am I confident enough to post vids of self.

Cals were around 3k yesterday 160ish carbs mostly postworkout.

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Thanks for taking time out to give feedback bruh.
Yea will definitely take all above into account. Been trying to focus a lot on core last few weeks as previously wasn't bracing it as much as I could.
Working on the hinge atm doing a lot of assistance.
Will work with lighter weight next session and focus on shoulder position and hinge.

Haha yea will definitely be taking a look at everyone's form and technique instead of just sitting there miring the crazy weight's getting chucked about.
Will upload video next week during back.

Thanks again.
Nah no way man I appreciate any input/feedback.
Will make sure to implement above advice.

Today was heavy bench and squats.
Done 7 x 3 121kg had to have someone help force the lat rep for last two set's so I'll stick to that weight till I can complete all set's without someone else touching bar even if its just fingers.

Worked way up to 180kg on squats doing lots of sets.
Supersetted skullcrushers with close grip bench on ez bar think I did 8 reps of each for total of 4 sets.
Finished off with hypertrophy for legs.leg presses 25 x 200kg x 4 and 4 x 20 60kg leg extentions.

Somehow dropped down to 98.2 last couple of day's even though been eating 3.5k cals and over.
Guessing too much volume or aids?
Thanks man ^

Yea had just over 5k cals yesterday and weight was back up to 99.8 but haven't jobbied so likely to be lighter post poo :p

Another hypertrophy day today.

4x20 @130kg calf raises in squat rack.
We wanted to set 10rep max for squats for the lols, managed 160kg with good form.
Leg presses 3 x 20 @ 240kg
Drop set's for last set all the way down to 40kg aiming for 10reps after removing 40kg at a time.
4 x 20 60kg leg curls.
40kg dumbell shrugs
Lat raises 50kg with ez bar 4 x 12
We done a bunch of bro curls 4x12 with 35kg ez bar.
Finished off with weighted dips.

Looking forward to heavy compounds next week and a rest day tomorrow :)


Gonna try lose some fat and drop down to 200 pounds.
However if I lose any strength at all I'll sack it.
Gonna taper down cals slowly.
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Weighed myself today after pigging out all weekend. Just short of 102kg so will be strict with food next month or so.

Today was 5x5 deadlift and push press day.
155kg 5 x 5 deadlift
87.5kg 5x5 push press.

Messed around with sumo dead lifts as not really done them before.Started really light and worked up to 150kg with goodish for.Also been trying out rdl as advised by benneh.Will probably try to do them as much as possible.

Done bit of hypertrophy for delts.
4x10 reps 30kg dumbells shoulder presses and bunch of cable work to hit rear and side delts more.
4x 10 60kg lat pull downs
Bro curls with dumbells and ez bar.
4x 5 30kg dips had someone help force 3/4 more reps out by giving me a slight lift but not gonna count them.

Bit of a cluster tbh ^ but I'm hoping all the above will help increase lifts for all 3 compounds I'm focusing on.
Training partner was ill today so back to being hans solo which I prefer unless going heavy and today I was going relatively heavy :(

5x5 170kg squats. Felt really good and depth was even better than last weeks 5x5 squats.No spotter up until 4th and 5th set . Didn't need any contact/spotting however was just a mental thing.Gym instructor who was spotting was impressed with depth so gonna up weight again next week.

5x5 120kg bench press. Spotter had to help slightly to force two reps for last couple sets.Will keep at this weight however until can complete all sets without contact.
Went back into rack after and messed about with boxed squats. Felt good and have been meaning to add them to routine for ages.
Will probably save them for assistance day's in future.

4x8 inclined dumbell press 40kg dumbells
Skull crushers supersetted with close grip bench with ez bar. 5 reps skulls then 12 reps close grip repeated 4 times .37.5kg

Rope pull downs x loads & drop sets.
Finished with cable stuff for chest to finish bewbs off and close grip bench 4x 8 60kg to fatigue/exhaust triceps.

Assistance stuff tomorrow so will be mostly hypertrophy.
Lower back, core and leg work.
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Hit a raw pb 201kg deadlift today.Worked way up to pb weight then carried on.
4 sets 3 x 180kg
Dropped weight down to 100kg and worked on speed/power and had a little cardio sesh :p

7x3 40kg dumbell shoulder press.

4x 20 x 160kg calf raises.
Weighted ab work and finished off with stretching and mobility work as posterior chain tiiiiight.
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