Muzza's Training Log/Bulk

22 Dec 2010
West Lothian
Hi Chaps

So I've been cutting for last ten months, got to the point where i'm happy with how i look.
Been lifting heavy 5/6 days a week and doing cardio once or twice a day most days after weights, usually hiit for 20 mins.

I've dabbled in itf, carb cycling and other methods to drop this flab.
Most fat loss has happened in past few months, i believe now I've found what works for me.Probably lost more muscle than i wanted to by not going about it correctly to start off but getting hang of this cutting business now :)

Lifts have gone up since starting out, for example i could barely bench 70Kg @106kg now i can do 100kg 5x5. Squats have increased from - 90kg to 130kg.

I know this isn't heavy by any means especially to you monsters in the sub section :D but i'm pretty happy with progress considering the calorie deficit and amount of training/cardio I've been doing.


Anyway will be starting Bulk at end of the month.

Right now i'm sitting at 85kg, not sure on bf% perhaps 15%? Eating 1600 cals a day 180 grams protein and anywhere between 80 - 150 grams carbs.

Increasing calories from 1700 - 2200 to start off with, i believe my maintenance is 1900 or around that number.
Gonna try hit 250 grams protein and 250 carbs to start off with.

Going to Keep cutting till August 1st but will log current routine in the meantime.Cant wait to start.

Cheers for dropping by.
OK so started bulk today, i was planning on starting End of Month but meh.

Been eating at maintenance (around 1900) since starting thread didn't want to just jump straight into surplus after cutting for so long.
Macros for today:

2250 cals
210g protein
269 carbs (low gi sources) most post workout.
Around 50g fats

Weight - 86.5KG

Will be cycling carbs and having majority post workout.

Hit Chest and Biceps today.

Dumbbell Bench press.

3 x 5 40 kg ( was hitting 5 x 6 with 40's but lost bit of strength last few weeks hoping wont take long to gain strength back)
3 x 8 36kg
3 x 10 34kg

4 x 8 30kg

Dumbbell flyes
4 x 6 22kg

Barbell bench press (wide arm)

5 x 8 kg


Tried to isolate chest as much as possible by leaning forward so not working triceps as much.

5 x 6


Biceps curls (Dumbbell) alternate

3 x 10 kg
3 x 16 kg

Preacher curls 18kg

3 x 7

Also done a bunch of bro curls with barbell using wide-arm and close arm grip.

Finished off with 5 mins on rower.
Will be cutting cardio a little but wont be cutting completely as i have a mine clearance diver aquatint in September so need to be as fit as possible for then.

One thing i have noticed when doing dumbbell bench press is that my left side/arm always fails first when trying to go to failure but feels like i can keep going with right.
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Yesterday i started german volume training and just happened to be doing legs.

Three sets through the squats i knew it was a horrible idea :p

Squats: 100kg 10 x 10
Leg press: 240Kg 10 x 10
Calf raises 100kg 10 x 10
leg extenstion 5 x 5 50kg
leg curl 5 x5 45kg
Lunges with dumbells to finish off.

Will be adding stiff deadlift to leg day next time.

Walking around like the elephant man this morning and was a mission to get out of bed.

Have been hitting macros nearly exactly so far.Feeling a lot stronger with more carbs and just more energhy in general.

Chest and triceps in half an hour, will update shortly.
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Nice loss! Nice gains! Enjoy GVT! :D

Thanks bro, :p I hate it already.Got doms for first time in ages.Done chest this morning, wasn't quite as bad as expected but no doubt I'll have double dose of some tomorrow :D

Will log session tonight along with macros etc.
OK so done chest and triceps this morning despite walking around stiff and shuffling like john merrick :D
Weighed myself first thing, i'm sitting at 85.6 so somehow managing to lose weight despite being in a pretty big calorie surplus :confused:

(Warm up)20 reps with 20 kg dumbbells

10 x 9 30Kg dumbbells

Didn't hit ten reps with 30kg on last set i probably got to about 5/6 and nearly dropped dumbbells on face.Really struggled to even get to last set.I grabbed 26's before minute rest was up and done another set but will drop weight to 28kg for next time until i can complete 10 sets.

Chest flyes

10 x 10 24kg (incline)
10 x 5 28kg (flat)
Was bloody horrible but managed to complete all sets so will be upping weight to 26kg next time round.

Barbell bench press

10 x 10 60kg (wide arm)
10 x 5 50kg (close grip)

Was tough but got it done, didn't want to jump in with heavy weight after just doing 20 sets, might start with babrbell next time and try 70kg.

Finished off with dips managed 5/6 sets of ten reps.

For Triceps i done a bunch of rope pull downs, tricep kickbacks and and some skullcrushers but tbh triceps were already worked pretty well worked especially with the close grip bench press and dips.

Finished off using pecdeck machine then some light jogging for five mins.



I eat lots of bland crap as you can see above, carbs are either oats or potatoes and try to get them in around workouts.

Probably went overboard with carbs and cals today, i had tkd in the evening so probably burnt about 500 perhaps.
Will try to tone it down, but last few days I've been soo hungry.
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Cheers man, I was around 19 and a half stone.Under 14 now.

Been looking at some of the other logs on here, thought the amount of volume I was doing was pretty high but nah its poor compared to some :D
I've been a bit of a lazy bugger with regards to updating this thread but rest assured I've been grafting hard.
I recently started doing deadlifts for first time earlier this week and will be doing them twice a week during back day and on heavy day, which I'm going to start doing once a week on weekends alongside squats and bench.

Yesterday's leg session.


15 x bar
15 x 50
100kg 10 x 10 (hardest thing I've done so far since starting lifting but I need to up the weight since I managed somehow to complete all sets :))

Leg press 220 10 x 10


20 x 100
20 x 160
15 x 160
20 x 160
20 x 160
18 x 180
17 x 180
15 x 200
15 x 200
15 x 200

Leg curl

40kg x 40
50kg x 20
60kg x 10
70kg x 8
80kg x* 5


70kg x 15
70kg x 20
70kg x 20
70kg x 17
70kg x 17


70kg x 34
70kg x 20
70kg x 20
70kg x 20
70kg x 20

Leg extension

10 x 5 50kg

24th July

25th July

26th July *

27th July

28th July*******

Calories - 2995
Protein -* 275
Carbs -*** 285
Fats -****** 90

29th July

30th July *

2881 cals
195 carbs

31st July

Cals - 3393

As you can see diet is all over the place and weight is fluctuating. Gaining way to quick and probably mostly fat so going to stick with 2800 cals 200 carbs and 250 protein for next couple of weeks and see how I get on.
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Yea hopefully a lot of it will be glycogen and water and not fat, I was carb depleted beforehand so makes sense, hopefully not done too much damage already.

Either way I'm paranoid about getting fat so instead of dropping cals back to 2800 I'll cut them further to 2500 and drop carbs to between 150-200 and weigh myself next week.
Was really easy hitting macros when cutting but since starting bulk and gvt my appetite has been crazy :(

Cheers guys.

Sorry for the chit posing :D
Defo some bloating going on, might be oats but most likely I'm just being a greedy sod.
Cheers for advice guy's will update weight next week when I weigh in Friday.
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August 8th


20 x 90kg squats.(squats and milk)

Dumbbell shoulder press.
2 x 32kg x 5
3 x 30kg x 5

Shoulder shrugs

5 x 8 36kg

Military shoulder press 5 x 5* 40kg.( up weight)

Shoulder raise 20kg plate 5 x 5

Military press (behind neck)
30kg 3 x 10*

Shoulder press machine

60kg x 5
55kg x 5
50kg x 6
45kg x 6
40kg x 8

Shoulder press dumbbells.

20kg 5 x 8 ( change when* hit 5 x 10)

120kg cr* 5 x 15

Leg press

5 x 360kg
5 x 380kg
5 x 400kg
6 x 400kg
5 x380kg

Need to add more shoulder exercises to shoulder routine, think I'm doing too much volume.

Done some calf raises and leg press as both lag behind rest of body with regards to size.

Smashed pb's on leg press, I think gvt for squats and leg press is responsible.

Heavy compound day tomorrow, squats, bench and dead lifts.Going to try smash some more pb's.

Been hitting 2500 cals since last update, weight has stabilised dropped 0.1kg this morning though so will stick to current macros then adjust Monday if need be.
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Just a point to note, the main exercises on (A)GVT should be compound exercises (i.e. deads, squats, bench, BORs, OHP etc...) using machines/non-free weights are for the subsidiary exercises.

Excellent progress and work though :cool:

Cheers mate, I'll limit gvt to just bench,squats and shoulder press and bent over rows (I'd die if I had to do 10x10 dead lifts) And base routine around them with machine exercises etc.

@methingyx So scrap shoulder shrugs aye? I didn't really feel much in my shoulder's when doing them( only recently started doing them) no matter how I did them I was always feeling it in my forearms before my shoulder's got tired/failed.
Haha yeap I feel stupid doing them :D
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Biceps and triceps this morning, lots of close grip barbell bench presses, skull crushers, triceps pull down and bro curls.

I decided I wanted to do squats though when I first got into gym.
Smashed pb I got 5 x 5 130kg and felt relatively easy then smashed out another 5 reps so dead chuffed.
Gonna aim for 135kg x 5 next heavy day and go for 1 rep max but still carrying on with gvt on leg days.
Also aiming for 5 x 5 400kg leg press so something to aim towards.
Done Legs yesterday however was up all night before puking so didn't feel it and was a half assed session.

Feeling much better this morning doing chest and triceps.

Warm up on bench press with 40kg

Been doing 5 x 5 for chest atm, gvt for all my other splits.
Pb today, managed 95kg 5x5 so dead chuffed.Will up weight to 97.5 next week.

5 x 5 40kg dumbbell bench press.
5 x 5 34kg dumbbell bench incline.
5 x 5 36kg dumbbell bench decline.
5 x 5 26kg dumbbell chest flyes incline.

70 kg close arm bench press 5 x 5
5x 8 30kg skullcrushers
5 x 8 triceps pull downs 35kg
3 x 10 rope pull downs 20kg
Dips 5 x 8

Weigh in Friday.
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