MV Brutale Insurance

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
So I tried to get some quotes on the M.V Brutale 675 and 800.

The 675 comes in at just under £600 fully comp but I can't get insured at all on the 800.

Bizarrely I managed to get a quote on the Monster 796 for the same sort of price as the MV 675.

Will I get insured on an MV 800 anywhere? I'm currently on a DAS course so no experience yet. Thought I should add that in..! :)
I'm 39 and will be buying new. I've driven a car for nearly 20 years (I know that counts for nothing but just to provide you with some info). Admittedly the 800 might seem a bit OTT and I may settle for the 675.
Thing is, it's a bit like buying a house - I want to get something which won't seem inadequate after a year or two then sell and buy again.
Would rather invest now and get the bigger bike.

A company called MCE has provided a quote of £525 3rd party on the MV 800. Would rather go fully comp though (and I expect dealer's might demand this? Can they? Regardless it makes sense to go fully comp on a £9k bike.
Oh and I prefer the look of the 800 over the 675 + better paint jobs on offer (or at least in my opinion!). :)
Fireskull - it is TPFT. Sorry I shortened it to 3rd party. Only checked on comparison sites.
I've not passed yet - this is simply research. I'm mid-DAS.

SPG - I get what you're saying but it's not like I'm going to be commuting on it. It's going to be a weekend bike - and I'll try not to drop it. One of my colleagues did their DAS and bought a KTM right away. And she's never dropped it in 2 years of riding and she commutes in London. Call it luck, maybe. Don't want to tempt fate so I'll leave it there on that subject! :)
...I changed bikes every 6 - 12 months for quite a few years and you've got a lot of catching up to do if you're just passing your test at 39!
It is late I suppose. There have been several contributing factors to the late start - mainly family concerns (first my mum years ago, then my mrs). It doesn't help my cousin died in a bike accident in his 20's about 10 years ago - think he did DAS then went out and bought a Triumph race bike then hit the side of a car as it pulled onto the road he was travelling on. Straight into the car's side pillar/post iirc - and I think he tore an artery in his neck. But they all seem to have got over it, or just given up trying to persuade me not to do it - not that they really gave me a hard time - I just knew it wouldn't go down well.

Something else is my height. I'm not tall and I used to worry I'd struggle riding a bike, but on my first lesson I got on a 125 and realised I could get both feet flat on the ground - great! :)

I do hear what most are saying re dropping the bike and to buy used first time, and it's something I will consider. I'm just totally wrapped in those MVs!! Hopefully once I've passed some rationale might surface and I'll invest in a used bike.
Must have been bad if you stopped riding. What happened?
Just been having the same conversation with a colleague who suggested the Duke 400 (she's been riding a 200 for a couple of years but thinks it's too underpowered).
TallPaul S - yeah I checked out the BHP on the bikes since the quote. In fact I found a comparison between the 675 and the 796 and nearly fell over when I realised how much more powerful the 675 is. I'm not mechanically minded so in all honesty it doesn't make sense to me!

agnes - I simply get asked how many years riding experience I have when applying for quotes, so I have to add zero.

Wyvern971 - Hadn't considered the practicalities at all, but I am now :)

bloodiedathame + SPG - brings it home but I've been wanting to do this for such a long time.

I think I'm coming round to the fact I should pass on the big bike option - I suppose I have you guys to thank for it - albeit reluctantly !! :)

A new Duke 390 is just over £4k. Not keen on the orange but might have to do!
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