I need to skill up with MVC 4 very quickly (over the weekend), so looking to run through as many tutorials as I can, just to get a better feel for it. Already been on a one day intro to it and have plenty of experience elsewhere including .net but more on the desktop application side. I have inherited a project out of the blue so want to hit the ground running.

I found the tutorials ok but a bit limited.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Gone through the Mvc Music Store tutorial and it is pretty good once into it, I'm starting to get a hang of how it hangs together. The project is straight forward and if I was going native in iOS for instance, it wouldn't phase me. However, they have started down the route of a web app, so that's what I've inherited, at least for the time being.

I don't know what ERM if any has been used so far, will find out tomorrow. Will be meeting the SME tomorrow as well so I should have a better handle on the requirements and what still needs to be done then. Oh the joys.
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