MVC/Visual Web Developer references

9 Dec 2008
I'm fluent with scripting cshtml and aspx with C# and now I'm trying out MVC with Visual Web Developer. To me it seems like a bit of overkill with the huge number of wrappers and "helpers" for doing every little thing. But anyway, I need to learn how to work with it. I get why it's designed that way. It's good for team work especially with how broken down every aspect is.

What are some really good reference sites (also ones with good examples). I've been searching, but curious if any of you here know of some good nuggets.

The best tutorial for it is NerdDinner, although this is in MVC1 which is a little outdated as most companies will be using 2 or 3 (or possibly 4b), it's the structure of the project you need to become familiar with. Once you're okay with that, the jump to Razor syntax is a small one.

IIRC it doesn't also teach you good techniques such as TDD, IOC/DI or about repository/service layers, so you should probably also read up on those.
The best tutorial for it is NerdDinner, although this is in MVC1 which is a little outdated as most companies will be using 2 or 3 (or possibly 4b), it's the structure of the project you need to become familiar with. Once you're okay with that, the jump to Razor syntax is a small one.

IIRC it doesn't also teach you good techniques such as TDD, IOC/DI or about repository/service layers, so you should probably also read up on those.
Thanks! At first glance that looks like a properly substantial example project. So far I have found examples that are too much in the direction of "hello world" examples. Those types of very modest examples have their place, but most ppl (who are not noobs to programming/scripting) will want to quickly move on to MUCH more substantial exmple projects.

When I was searching for references/tutorials/examples, I did come across "nerd dinner", but it was NOT one of the search results that caught my as one to click on. SO it was really useful that you pointed that one out as a good one. It was this type of reply that I was hoping for when I posted this thread :cool: Thanks.

So if anyone knows of a reference/tutorial/example-project that stands out as a substantial/quality one, please post. Not all of them stand-out as quality sites in the search results. I've found some of the more obvious ones like w3schools (all "hello world" stuff).

I guess I MAINLY need substantial, complicated example projects (an associated tutorial per se is not a requirement, but helpful of course in more quickly understanding the example). It's the more substantial, complicated examples that ultimately really get the ball rolling.

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