MX5 dealer service issue...

25 May 2008
North Wales
No point to this thread really just a semi rant.

The wife has a MK3 MX5 2.0, had it for over 3 years now and love it. I got it serviced last year at Mazda as per usual and noticed it had a slight hesitation between 2000 and 3000 rpm and it would kind of pulse every second which made the car rock back and forth slightly, subtle but it was there but only at very light throttle application. I didn't take it back then as my wife was just getting out of hospital after a kidney transplant so had far bigger things to deal with than a minor issue with the car.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and the car has still been doing this so brought it up in its annual service, Mazda couldn't find anything and muttered something about could be the injectors or the plugs but they're not due for 2 more years so we're not going to do them.

I figure i'll change the plugs myself so found the right ones etc. Went to change them today and this is what i found.

Old plugs below and new on top


Further googleing has suggested that it had MX5 1.8 plugs installed rather than the 2.0 ones. On an initial test drive it appears to have solved the issue, and the car feels a lot smoother. Do you think that different length plugs could have caused this or would this shorter plug actually be fine and Mazda just changed their servicing guidance?

Anyway thats it really just wanted to have a bit of a rant to someone.
Just a quick note on this, contacted Mazda and they got back to me the other day confirming that the wrong plugs were indeed fitted and gave me 25% off my next service.

They were very apologetic and professional about it so that's good, was just hoping for slightly more out of them but i'll take what i can get!
I would have given them the old plugs back and demanded a refund on the service.

You really want to go back there with a 25% discount coupon?
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