MX700 Batteries

18 Oct 2002
My MX700 rechargeable batteries are dead. Can i just buy any old rechargeable batteries to replace them such as NEW 4 x 2300 NiMH AA?
I kinda doubt that it will only take Logitek batteries- That'll just be the standard you can only use our stuff disclaimer.
The only thing that might be different is the ampages/ voltages- Post any relavant text on this from the Logitek batteries, but I suspect that only all it will need is high-power digital camera batteries ;)

Actually looking at the underside of my mouse, it says replace batteries at end of life with similar type (nimh 1500-1900mAh). Both batteries must be the same model and capacity.
I replaced the batteries in mine (they were NIMH 1.2v AA size 1700ma) with some Kodak NIMH 1.2v AA 1800ma ones and it seems to be fine.

It's gone from barely lasting a day to lasting about 3 days between charges again :)
not having much finding them between 1500-1900mAh, all seem to be less than 1500 or more than 2000.
I've recently got some new batteries for my MX700 Mouse. Like you, I was struggling to get anything 1500 - 1900mAh, until I noticed on the Logitech website:

The MX700 mouse is factory-fitted with two rechargeable batteries. These Ni-MH rechargeable batteries rated at 1.2V and 1700mAh/1800mAh were especially selected for this mouse and should only be replaced with new rechargeable batteries of same type at end of life. (Ni-MH 1500-2300mAh).

Picked up a pack of two 2100mAh batteries from a High Street Electrical store, and they work a treat. So much for the info on the Mouse itself :rolleyes:
ive used random batteries (non recharable) in mine when i needed it and didnt have time to recharge...

just cheap ASDA ones
Jaywood said:
I've recently got some new batteries for my MX700 Mouse. Like you, I was struggling to get anything 1500 - 1900mAh, until I noticed on the Logitech website:

Picked up a pack of two 2100mAh batteries from a High Street Electrical store, and they work a treat. So much for the info on the Mouse itself :rolleyes:

To be fair, when the mouse was first available 1700-1900ma batteries were about the best you could get (and they were pretty expensive) :)
It's only the past 18 months or so that 2000ma+ batteries have actually become readily available (let alone at a reasonable price).
I used 2300ma sanyo cells in my MX700 and MX900 they just take longer to charge but thats not a problem really.
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