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My airflow - 3070ti Founders Ed

16 Sep 2009
Hi all,

Just getting around to swapping out my 3070ti FE and wondering if now my case is 'inverted' (window on RHS) I would be better to get a GPU which exhausted the air straight up and out the roof of my case? (top fan is an exhaust)

Current setup:


I'm correct in thinking the FE is exhausting warm air over the memory?
Hi all,

Just getting around to swapping out my 3070ti FE and wondering if now my case is 'inverted' (window on RHS) I would be better to get a GPU which exhausted the air straight up and out the roof of my case? (top fan is an exhaust)

I'm correct in thinking the FE is exhausting warm air over the memory?
There are no such gpus that exhaust straight up the roof - all AIB coolers blow into the heatsink, not away from it. FE is still better because it exhaust some heat outside the case. You should change the top fan to intake for better thermals. Dont worry about memory, 3070ti is not that power hungry.
The direction of the 3070 cooler will be blowing the heat down toward the CPU cooler, so it might actually works better to turn the ceiling fan around as intake (and may be move it to the middle or front) and bring more cool air direction toward the 3070, as the case exhaust would be behind the CPU cooler at the bottom.
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All I can tell you is if I turn my exhaust fan the other way my case heats up very fast
Unless your case also have the components upside down like OP's PC here, then it is an apple to orange comparison.

Can't really see the front intake from the photo, but the upside down layout of this type of PC typically the graphic card all the way up top would be starve of cool air (as more of the air from the front intake would mostly go to the CPU cooler and straight out the exhaust fan behind it. It's better to have two intake fan- one from the front and one from the top and push all the heat down toward the one exhaust fan to ensure positive airflow.

Heat rises while while that's technically correct, it is not to the extent that it is strong enough to overpower and push against the airflow upcoming from an top intake fan. Airflow within a case will still be determined by the way which the fans directing it.

The one thing to note is one would have to try to reduce the amount of heat from the exhaust fan get recycled back into the intake fan, hence why I said the top fan after turned around to be come an intake it should be moved to mount more toward the front of the PC instead of remaining in the same spot at the back as it currently is at.
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2 x 120 or 140mm fans in the top blowing down to fill the top of the case with cooler air.

Heat rising only important when dealing with convection only cooling so any airflow will negate that quickly.

3xxx series FE GPUs do run quite hot because the coolers are actually quite small. Works much better on the 4xxx series but they are about 3 x bigger in volume!

Doesn't help the 3070 Ti was an OC 3070 so runs more power for the gains. I had one and when I upgraded to a 3080 it was night and day dealing with the cooling and fan noise.
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3070ti FE now removed for sale & new 4070 super duper installed.


Went with a triple fan Zotac and kept the top fan as an exhaust for now. I have the option to install 2 more 140mm top fans if needed but the Bequiet case has 3 x 140mm Noctua intake fans already so should be good.

Just got to sell the 3070ti so thinking it's going down to CEX at the weekend.
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3070ti FE now removed for sale & new 4070 super duper installed.


Went with a triple fan Zotac and kept the top fan as an exhaust for now. I have the option to install 2 more 140mm top fans if needed but the Bequiet case has 3 x 140mm Noctua intake fans already so should be good.

Just got to sell the 3070ti so thinking it's going down to CEX at the weekend.
I hope you're not running at 1080p..
3070ti FE now removed for sale & new 4070 super duper installed.


Went with a triple fan Zotac and kept the top fan as an exhaust for now. I have the option to install 2 more 140mm top fans if needed but the Bequiet case has 3 x 140mm Noctua intake fans already so should be good.
If the case has 3 intake fans at the front that's should be more than enough, however having a fan at the top as exhaust could be counter-productive and would probably make the cooling for the graphic card *worse* than without.

This is because the way your graphic card cooler works is it would blow down toward its heatsink and the heat would come out from the side of the heatsink; by having a fan at the top as exhaust, it would pull the graphic card heat upward and that heat can get recycled back into the graphic card cooler (instead of having the heat shifted away going down toward to the CPU cooler and have the heat exhaust together out the bottom exhaust fan at the bottom/back).

If you *really* want to add additional exhaust fan without having the graphic card heat returning back into the graphic cooler, you might have to consider getting one of those PCI slot blower cooler and install it onto the two vertical slots at the back
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