My best find EVER! Boost game performance by 80-90%!

3 Mar 2003

Heres the story. I recently purchased everquest 2 but because windows sucks at managing memory it was VERY stuttery in towns etc. The fix in the link almost completely resolved the issue for me and I can play EQ2 @1280x1024 4xAA 8xAF on very high quality with hardly any pauses at all even in towns.

This is with just a gig of ram BTW. Its also supposed to help in games like Battlefield 2 but I have not tested it yet.

If the link is dead - google cacheman and download it.

First, before we get into tweaking WMM, there are a few things you should know.DO NOT use any of the wizards number one! DO NOT and I repeat, do not use the "RAM Recovery"!

This pushes essential windows files and proceses out of memory which is not good! The program will tell you it is, but all it takes is simple logic to know that this should not be done. We want the OS to be fast, because the game communicates with the OS and then the OS sends the info to the processor and video card. We do not want it to have to access the HDD for this!

Now to the optimizing! Click on the settings tab on the right side, then go to "RAM".Don't worry about anything else, this is where you need to be. Make sure that you uncheck the "enable" under the Recovery tab at the top. Now click the optimization tab at the top and check the boxes "Disable executive paging" and "unload DLL's from memory". You are now done with this area.

Now go back to the settings tab on the right hand side and click tweaks. Like I said before, do not adjust the IO page lock limit, ignore this feature. Check the box "disable NT last access update". Basically what this does is changes the date on a file after it is modified. This can reduce performance of your hard disk, especially if it is slow, or very full.

You are now done tweaking your memory! Go to File, Save settings, and then exit the program. The changes are permanent, so you can change the option to load every time windows starts if you'd like or uninstall the program
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sunlitsix said:
so is this just for everquest 2?

Nope. Its a general windows tweak that makes the memory management a lot more efficient so it should help in all games/apps that are memory intensive.
Quick try on BF2 and its a lot more snappy now when starting a map. Also general load times especially on EQ2 are better. Areas were taking 40-50 seconds to load in EQ2 and they now take 30-40s.
Thought I'd try this out, installed cacheman then realised all the boxes that were meant to be ticked already were :o Must have tweaked it at some point in the past and forgotten :D
speeduk said:
It will only help in games that stutter or pause when moving to new areas etc due to poor memory allocation bla bla bla.
You mean almost all games? :p
im going to try it on the g/fs 1.2ghz athlon, 512MB Ram running EVE online, ill let you know how it goes!
hows it going to help if your pc is paging to swapfile? telling it to keep dlls and whatever else in ram is surely going to make it worse?

btw i run win2000 and the only thing i notice is from bf2 needing a little more ram, but i dropped my settings and it rarely does it anymore. i dont know if its related but sometimes, i can see a massive drop in framerate when its normally high eg drops to 15fps from 100fps for 30seconds then goes back to normal, hard disk light not going, but my 6800 making a noise like its really straining or something :confused:
yeah its a good tweak, used it for a year or two now, helps a lot on the heavy games like farcry and riddick, never noticed a diff on wow though:p
I tried this and ran Eve Online, my average frame rate jumped from 23 FPS to about 37 FPS with it topping out at 60 FPS which ive never had before. Very good little tool.

EDIT - I have 1GB RAM and a 128mb Radeon 9200 GFX card.
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