My Bored Morning - WiFi Honeynet Project

18 Oct 2002
I was rather bored this morning so I decided to put together something I had thought about a while ago to do with Honeynets.

If you want a run down on honeynets check out:

The basic idea behind honey nets is that you provide network resources such as servers, databases and network hardware which are tempting for would be intruders to compromise. These resources have no business purpose other than to catch people trying to compromise parts of your network thus alerting you.

My little setup is a WiFI Honeynet that presents a completely open access point with default manufacturer’s settings (including passwords) that is connected to an internet connection.

See the below diagram:


The access point is connected to a Cisco Catalyst 2950 series switch. The switch has been configured to turn off as many features as possible that may warn would be intruders that his supposedly simple home network has a £1000 enterprise switch running it.

STP, VTP, CDP were all turned off to limit broadcasts identifying the hardware, this was also useful for another reason, reducing clutter in the capture logs.

The switch then had the port that the access point was connected too added to a monitored session that mirrored incoming and outgoing traffic to my computer on the motherboards second NIC. This NIC has no IP address and can not transmit traffic to and from the network due to the mirrored data, it can only sniff it. Running on my computer is Ethereal in promiscuous mod collecting all packets seen on the wire.

To give the intruder something interesting to play with he would need internet access, I did not want an open AP on my home network so too mimic an internet connection and control what it was used for I setup IPCOP as a gateway and transparent proxy with all logging turned on. By default IPCOP is designed to protect the inside from the outside but by using a modification called Block All Traffic you can make it default deny all outgoing traffic.

With BOT setup the gateway” now only allowed web and chat client access to the outside world.

Internet connection to my computer and to the IPCOP box is provided by my internal network through a switch and router as shown.

I have given it all a whirl with my laptop and it seems to be running as expected so it is time to see who’s War driving in my Neighbourhood!

Comments/Advice/Questions please post.
24 Aug 2003
Well, i guess im going to ask, what is the point?

Its not like you can then go and accuse these people of anything, or use the data they send, such as passwords (sent in clear text) etc for anything, otherwise you could find yourself in legal problems.

At the end of the day what do you expect to achieve with this. If after a week or so, all you can say is that 20 people accessed you're internet and viewed different pages, then to be honest that is kinda pointless.

EDIT - you might even find what your doing is illegal, by capturing/snooping other peoples private data, regardless of that fact that they are using your network (i know it sounds crazy)
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18 Oct 2002
Really you'd be better off taking the Cisco stuff and ditching the Netgear switches and router, and just not bothering with this whole "OMG TOTALLY OWNED THAT WARDRIVER" thing.

But hey maybe I'm just not seeing the appeal.
18 Oct 2002
It’s more for the technical challenge rather than actually catching any one using my net and prosecuting them, executing a Honeynet idea with what was to hand. It’s like saying, what’s the point in Quad SLi, well its an interesting technical challenge (heat,power,drivers) rather than being generally practical for 99.9 % of users.

I really wouldn't be better off using the Catalyst I have (or the others for that matter) in my home setup. I need none of the features they provide on a home network, they are noisy, big and overkill. They are overkill for this as well, but the port monitoring features of them was what I was after.

At the end of the day, if you think its stupid so be it, but some one may go, hmm that could be useful for x, y or z be it in a Honeynet or not.
21 Jan 2003
I think it's a novel idea and interesting to see what attention it attracts.

If anything you prove in real terms how susceptible an unsecured wireless LAN is.
27 Aug 2004
Singapore ExPat
Definitely an interesting idea mate, would be interested to see what you get. I didn't think war driving was that common in this country? More likely people with pda's that need a wireless connection wherever they are.
18 Oct 2002
I quite often have a walk around my estate with a PSP to look for WLans, there are loads of them. I need a PC in my car with terabytes of data, I could just drive around leeching.
28 Dec 2003
Toytown said:
Well, i guess im going to ask, what is the point?

Its not like you can then go and accuse these people of anything, or use the data they send, such as passwords (sent in clear text) etc for anything, otherwise you could find yourself in legal problems.
Although I tend to agree with you with regards to the point of it all, as far as charging any infiltrators he certainly could if he wanted to as it's now illegal to connect to any network without authorisation, even if it's left wide-open with no security at all.
18 Oct 2002
I think another challenge you could overcome with the same kit you have now is a captive portal, go and set one up with mandatory registration for web access, and then only allow port 80 traffic over it.

Congratulations, you've just built a hotspot.
18 Oct 2002
Stick a clean win2k3 server in with it and see what gets left on it, its a common tactic so security experts can collect hacker tools and work out how to protect against them. But is normally done on the net rather than a wlan.
12 Mar 2003
Arlington, VA
Hehe I'd never heard of "honeynetting" before, sounds like a pretty cool idea... if only you could add something into the mix that would fill up the war driver's machine with goat pr0n ;):D

21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore
Big companies use this strategy all the time. It's actually very effective. Basically as soon as the Honeypot is compromised a signal is sent to the administrator(s) and/or the firewall rules are strengthened to maximum.

Obviously it has very little use in a home network. Useful for research though...

"Honeynet" though? I believe the term is "Honeypot"!
18 Oct 2002
NathanE said:
"Honeynet" though? I believe the term is "Honeypot"!

As it is a network element & services that is exposed you can use the term Honeynet. Honeypots are for example an unsecured FTP server, a Honeynet can be a collection of machines used as bait, or in this case network elements.

I would love to include a Honeypot some were in the mix but I am lacking a spare machine and I don’t think I am going to be seeing that much War driving anyway :)

Hackers would know there was a switch in the mix becuase of protocols such as Spanning Tree Protocol send out broadcasts which are received by all network clients. These broadcasts identify the switch and thus give the game away.
18 Oct 2002
Well we have a hit, not sure if it’s a neighbour or someone going past.

Now the question is, do I add him to my MSN (as I have his MSN username now) and ask him to stop using my internet or shall I leave him be?
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