My Car Ad pics

12 Feb 2003
Just about to put my car up for sale so needed to take some pics:




TBH if your trying to sell your car I would avoid all the artsy type effect that you've added such as vignetting and dodgy DOF. Just get some normal boring photos that show the car well.
xolotl said:
TBH if your trying to sell your car I would avoid all the artsy type effect that you've added such as vignetting and dodgy DOF. Just get some normal boring photos that show the car well.

I would do one arty broad shot if you want to play, show the car and it's design at it's best, sell the idea of the car...then shot everything at 90o angles
lots of detail to show off the lack of marks and dents, interior and all that
but the main advertising one, something eye catching doesn't do any harm

sell the idea,...then sell the car :)
Hmm - hmm, if you have some blue grad filters, use them to make the sky looks blue perhaps. I reckon some well taken pictures will do well for your ad..although you don't need to go too far, the buyer isn't really going to give you marks for how artistic or good the photos are, they just want a good honest set of pictures of your car - interior and exterior :)

I hope this helps!
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