My Car Does'nt Start

20 Sep 2003
Eever since I've had my car back from the garage it has had problems starting. Basically when its cold in the morning i turn the engine over no problem but it just wont fully fire up. The exhaust burbles every so often and its very very close to starting. This happens at night when im trying to leave work as well, has happened the past 2 nights now. I dont know much but i think it might be dodgy ignition leads. Another thing i noticed is when it does start there is a heavy smell of petrol.

Tonight i took the car for a bit of a blast to see if that will help, will find out in the morning.

Anyone got any ideas ?
The car hasnt had a service so the oil should just be the same as it has alwyas been, i actually need to check and see if it needs a service or not.

When the car is running there is no problems it ticks over just the thing and runs nice and smooth
I just checked that this morning Lopez and it seems fine.

Would spraying some electric contact cleaner into the plugs do it any good ?
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