My car set on fire, and I've been had !

6 Feb 2003
I Havn't been here for a while, but I was in a bit of a pickle.

I brought a range rover as another project (and i'll actually complete it this time) and on the way home after buying it, it started bellowing out smoke, i quickly pulled over and to my amazement the bonnet set on fire as i was in it, i rung 999 asap and they were there in minutes and put it out.

My mate then towed me home

After closer inspection I believe a corroded oil pipe dripped onto some electrics near the radiator fan, heat, sparks etc etc not too sure caused the sudden outburst, it starts and does drive, just need a hose to stop oil from spurting everywhere.

Now I don't know what to do in regards to the guy I brought it from, I rung him and said that I want my money back, but he said no, he said "sold as seen" I then said I want half, he said no, then i said I wanted £100 back then he said he would think about it.

He is now not answering my calls, so i decided to drive to his house (that was registered on the logbook) as i brought the car from his mates house.

A little old lady answered the door(in a posh area), and said that the name on logbook moved to a diff address, which she had so i drove there in mission to get my money back. Then got to the 2nd address but it was once again a posh house and no answer at door, I spoke to the neighbours and they said that the person who lived there drove a flash BMW of some sorts, the bloke I brought this car from looked dodgy but alarm bells weren't ringing, even aswell that I brought it not from his address.

All that took about 2 hours.

Basically I can't find him and don't know what to do, I text him to say "well done, i've been had, yada yada" and to enjoy his cash (£350)

Rangie only needs £50 to put it back the way it was, but the fact that I almost died I was NOT impressed and I had only had the car for 5 mins and it only lived about 5 miles from my house.

He even just gave me the logbook and said "you can send it off", he gave me a few reciepts (including a new gearbox from ashcroft transmissions in 2003) so I thought well if it is stolen how does he have the logbook and a few reciepts and MOTs?

As I have tried to track him down and I can't find him, I might just write the £350 as it was only cheap. Kind of annoyed as I just brought a garage and stuck the Vectra V6 veccy in that to make room for the rangie.

What do you think ?
HPI on a car worth £350 ? I hardly found it worthet

And all my mates have said, I shouldnt have been so lazy and done it properly, no matter what the price. I know now.

Personally I think that he knew something was up with it, because he couldnt wait to get back in a hurry, and that he doesnt live at the address on the logbook, but once again how on earth did he get the reciepts.
Morba said:
are you the one who bought 2 different vectras, both dogs, and a range rover that was a dog?

I've had 5 Vectras (still got one) and only 1 one was a dog actually, and the other rangie had nothing wrong it either.


Will a HPI tell me if its stolen ?
It was on a normal road, as i said it starts and drives (just need to replace a hose)

Other bits are singed and needs a new fan but apart from that its fared really well, o yea a slight bit of the paint on the bonnet has bubbled, fireman said the fluffy stuff in the inside of the bonnet was asbesdos and that it fell away, i thought it was that, that court fire but im told asbesdos doesnt burn well ?
I knew why there was a reason why my workplace gave me a company car, so things like this stop happening to me :p

Fine if i ent got a leg to stand on, and I can't find him them I will have to leave it at that and get to devils pit in luton in november if its open.

Im gonna get the obvious £50s done to get it goin, and send it for an MOT and see what happens and how much that will set me back.
emailiscrap said:
It's a Landy (well, a Rangey). They catch fire. Buying one for £350 is asking for trouble, and if you're not mechanically minded enough to spot potential problems like this, you shouldn't be surprised when it all goes wrong.

Can't help but laugh at your haggling with him over the refund! You must have sounded so desperate!

Ofcourse I sounded desperate, it was a £350????????? who in there right mind wouldnt ask for it back thats like a weeks wages.I'm 20 that means a lot to me.(apart from the other 20 year olds I know earning twice as much as me)

Usher said:
Should've driven the car to the nearest airport

And I don't think you should have said that, it was a major tragedy.

Personally I thought it might have exploded, you guys obviously don't like me very much lol, but seriously these things you all hear about are things that happen to me like everyday and I just take it as it comes.

Yes I did think it was a bargain, I was obviously mistaken (again), I don't tow horse boxes or anything such as.

Fox (and the rest) you are always right, maybe its time i did actually start taking advise, and saving money, still very confused as to how all my vectras were heaps of, as i try to keep saying only one was ?

And no one will ever believe me about the 2.0 cdx that was written off, i've never crashed into anything and as i said, the person who brought the car lives up the road from me, but whatever really....I know.
And yes i did loose a 2.0 omega round a roundabout, big deal ?
I'm currently saving for a desposit on a house or a merc C270 CDI saloon or a C230 Kompressor saloon on an 51/02 plate, I guess I already know the answer as to what I should keep going for.

wonder_lander said:
Is it April Fools Day?

Seriously, is this your company car?


LOL! and the company car is a new astra 1.7 cdti sxi, vectras rammed in a garage, and the corsa, fiesta and rangie are on the driveway.
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ok, ok I know ............. a new challenge for me then

To take advise, should i send it for an MOT and see WHAT is actually wrong with it, i'm going to HPI check it in a mo.

[TW]Fox said:
Who in their right mind WOULD ask for it back? What grounds did you have to ask for it back? You bought it froma PRIVATE SELLER. You bought a 15+ year old car VERY CHEAPLY with NO WARRANTY.

It now needs a £50 repair. Shock. It's an old Range Rover, the fact it only needs a 50 quid repair is a miracle.

If you are as hard up as you claim WHY do you keep buying money-pit cars? Is it not completely obvious to you by now that buying cars is not a strong point of yours? You suck at it - find a new hobby, perhaps overclock some computers or take up cross stitch.

Why on earth would a small underbonnet fire have caused an explosion?

Nobody dislikes you as nobody knows you, but you are a constant source of amusement - every time you post on here people give you a load of advice, you completely ignore them, and then end up a huge disaster. You've done it more times than I can ever count now. It's just really, really funny now.

This makes it even more funny.

Nooo! Don't do it! Seriously!!! You are like a crap car magnet. The early C Class's are plagued with issues.


I wouldnt class myself as that hard up ? whats the average wage for a 20 year old these days ?
[TW]Fox said:
It was a question, not a personal attack. Stop trying to defend him becuase he isn't defendable :p

Anyway, you don't even know me ? :p

You seem to have a lot to say everytime I post one of these threads, what else do you do for fun ............ is there anything else I can do for you?

sometimes you guys sound like my parents lol

Anywho, just a load of hoses that have melted, ill change them and should be ok again, as i said it still starts. And my mate, he towed me in his omega.

And for comical value, yes i was insured on it, I moved me fiestas insurance over.
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