My case

Man of Honour
14 Aug 2005
Hi this is my pc at the moment been doing some work on it over past few weeks and im nearly done just gotta fit my water system next week... enjoy





Looks really nice, and clean mate :) Love the way you've hidden the cables in that case, i could never do it when i had mine! :p

How did you manage to hide your cables so good?
Gangster said:
Looks really nice, and clean mate :) Love the way you've hidden the cables in that case, i could never do it when i had mine! :p

How did you manage to hide your cables so good?

Because he hasn't got anything plugged in :rolleyes:
ovbiously but it was hard for me to put all the cables down the side and be able to close the door. And i had to shove a load of wires above the cd drives, which he clearly has not.

so take that :rolleyes: back. :mad:
yeh nothins plugged in as im not finished but it iwll not be spaghetti land as i gave my psu a trim when i braided it :) so only the nessercary cables left and most are taped behind the back plate thanks guys
Few changes made

Well made a few changes and water system is going in now its all coming together hope u like... thanks





its all coming together nicely just waiting on few things now window perspex and such like thanks...
That does look really nice :)

Not too sure about how you've mounted your UV tubes though ( i presume they're UV? )
Sweet! You do all those cuts? Have you got a bloody Computer Controlled cutting machine or what? lol

Very nice mate

Thanks a lot guys... the cathodes are just temperary in there to check the water uvness... i wish i had a CNC machine would make it so much easier i had to cut it all with a damn jigsaw any thanks again Hoping it will be done and dusted tomoz :)
Either you have a lot of experience with a jigsaw, or your hands are steadier than the Terminator lol

Where do you live? Gonna ship my panels for you to jigsaw :p


that side panel looks hot, how the hell did u make it look so nice? I wanna mod my side panel on my wavemaster but im rubbish with a jigsaw
jigsaw u have to be kidding wish u had taken pictures when u were doing that part of the build thats spot on from what i can see
nice build bud
Wow!, exellent job youve done there, looks miles better than a plain old square window, i bet you were grinning all day whilst making that.

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