My Ceiling

23 Nov 2004
Not the usual post you will see on here and i apologise for boring you with it.

I am still renovating my cottage and i am now stuck on my bathroom celing.

It had, originally some sort of gloss paint on it, looked bloody horrible so the misses spoke with our builder who reccomended a egg shell finish paint, and said we wouldn't need to sand it down. So, taking his advice i gave the ceiling a light sanding, so the paint had something to key too, i put two coats on of slightly watered down paint onto the ceiling. It looked fine, until we had a shower and the water steam seemed to drip from the ceiling...

The paint then also started to flake off a bit, so here i am, after 3 hours of sanding with only a quater done.

MY question is, is thee an easier way to do this? Paint stipper (Nitromors) would be ok, but i need to be careful of the newly tiled/painted walls and new bathroom suite.

Is sanding the best option? It is taking me ages and is making a right mess. Pluss i have dust bogies big time :p

Thanks y'all and sorry for boring you....
Sadly the plastic ceiling is out of the idea.

Ideally i need you to tell me how to strip the glossy paint, now covered in egshell from my ceiling....

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