My clan's website has been taken over by some mad islamists!

Well, I run a PHPnuke site, hacking is an ongoing problem. Hopefully your webhost has a complete recent backup of the site, or your webmaster has.

Get the backup uploaded, use the raw access logs to find out how they got in and patch your security/update asap.

I personally take database backups weekly & all files monthly (or both if I add/remove any modules, etc). Thankfully the build I'm using now is about as secure as nuke gets.
What was your site about?

Any anti islam stuff on there?

Way to get there point accross by hacking some ones clan site :P the whole worlds gonna notice LoL.
We are just a gaming clan, nothing about cartoons etc... Is "ISA" something to do with islam or something???

I don't have any backups because I don't actualy own the site, hopefully the webmaster does.
yea it looks like isa is used in islam to name their god and they wanted someone to pick on lol
It's been fixed now. We are going to try and find out who it was, they probably somehow hacked Vwar or something. :rolleyes:
They are still messing around with the site. They somehow hacked into our FTP and deleted everything, the whole damn lot. Only one guy has the password for FTP and it is very secure. I haven't a clue how they hacked into Vwar and FTP! We are hopefully going to dump vwar, we have changed FTP pass for the second time now... :rolleyes:
It's probably vWar. If it's FTP, your host should have logs for that, likewise for vWar (ie, www).

Anyway - you have backups so it's ok, right? ;)
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]ISA* Zildjian[/font]
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]JO[/font] [font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Inactive Member (Teamkiller)[/font]
Hehe :p
Beansprout said:
It's probably vWar. If it's FTP, your host should have logs for that, likewise for vWar (ie, www).

Anyway - you have backups so it's ok, right? ;)

Apartently not! I am not the webmaster and I'm not the leader. It looks like someone forgot or couldnt be bothered to back everything up.... :(
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