My cloning skillz suckz0rz

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Sorry for the naff title :p, anyway in the following picture you'll see a big fat lense flare in the middle of the image (the big white one), small lense flares in the black areas i can sort out, but this one is getting me :(.

Here's the jpeg, would someone be kind enough for me to email them the TIFF file and get rid of the blighter? :)

Interesting, i was there in the summer and took a very similar photo, but closer to the building and the statue- my photo is also ruined by a lens flare from the exact same light!!!

Damn it, someone take it away!

(will post the pic later)

was yours any worse?

oopps didnt read the bit about you emailing me the tiff,
send it my way and il probbaly make it better.
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Where is that, it seems familiar to me???

From having a very quick look, I'd say best bet for removal would be to utilise the lowersection of the wall where to rebuild the left hadn wall where the flare is, possibly removing the horizontal lines on it as the top section seems to have less of those.

The long parts of the flare should eb esy to get rid of with the clone tool, and the rest will be a case of careful rebuilding using small amounts of the original and some cloning.

I'd have a go at it but I'm at work at the mo.

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