my Corsair ram, how do i find which chips its using?

10 Jun 2005
I have some ram which i wanted to find which chips it is using, although i have come close i have not found it exactly, or rather, i dont know if i have!

I have been searching for two things, the first gives some results the second gives none!

These two things are the two bits of information in the top right of the sticker on my Corsair XMS TwinX ram.

They read:


I searched around for the top bit and found some results saying it is Winbond -5 rev or Winbond -6 rev but in each of the places i found this information they also have a different 7 digit number.
What does this 7 digit number mean? and is there any way of knowing what chips are being used in my memory?

thanks in advance


(One other thing, i am selling these and have been asked for the 'revision' is this simply v1.2?)
v1.2 was BH-5 with the timings changed from 2-2-2-5 to 2-3-2-5 for compatability reasons with some chipsets.

CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205V1.2 = Winbond -5 Die Rev C
Twinx1024-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0416035-1 = Data not found
CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205v3.1 0423053-3 = Samsung -5 TCCX
CMX256A-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0345016 = Winbond-5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0345024 = Winbond-5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0410013 = Winbond -5 Rev c
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0403005 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPro XMS3205v3.1 0427034-1 = Samsung -5 TCCX
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0345083 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPro XMS3205v.1.1 0409009 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPro XMS3205v.1.1 0411090-0 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205V1.1 0321134-0 = Winbond -5 Rev B
Twinx1024-3200LLPT XMS3205 V1.1 0343147 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.1 0312801 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205v1.1 0307040 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX256A-3200LL XMS3205v2.1 0434004-8 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX256A-3200LL XMS3205v2.1 0434004 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX512-3200LLPro XMS3205v1.0 0349074 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205v1.1 0315018 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205v1.2 0321035 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX256-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0321069 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX256A-3200LL XMS3205 v1.1 0314040 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMX256-3200LL XMS3205v1.2 0321069= Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX256/512-3200LL XMS3205v1.1 0308022 = Winbond -5 Rev B
CMXSD512-3200LL 0508043-0 = Infineon-5
CMXSD512-3200LL 0449005-7 = Infineon-5
CMX512-3200LLPT v1.2 0331028 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPT XMS3205v1.2 0416056-2 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX256A-3200LLPT XMS3205v1.2 0325547 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205 v1.2 0321068 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LL XMS3205 v1.2 0403006 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPRO XMS3205V.1.1 0408098 = Winbond -5 Rev C
Twinx512-3200LLPT XMS3205 V1.2 0412005-5 = Winbond -5 Rev C
CMX512-3200LLPRO v3.1 0427034-2 = Samsung TCCD
CMX512-3200LL v1.2 0346044 = Winbond -5 Rev C
Twinx512-3200LLPT XMS3205 V3.1 0444035-7 = Samsung -5 TCCD
I got lucky with a couple of 1GB Kingston Value Ram sticks. both have Hynix D43 Chips and run quite happily 2-3-3-7 T1 @ 230Mhz :)
The Micron D9 series are currently considered to be the best DDR2 chips out there... basically look for the memory that has been raved about and then find the chips that are in them from that list!
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