my court visit

14 Jun 2005
as some of you know i went through a no entry sign a month or 2 back
i followed the car infront and didnt know it was no entry the road is not no entry just the runing right, the lights on the no entry sign werent working and you bcouldnt see them lit..

i went to court about 3 weeks ago and they gave me 3 points and a £110 fine!

just had a leter the other day saying i cant drive from monday so had to go buy a push bike lol

it just makes me angry when the coppers lie about there statements saying we were going stupid speed when we werent and other things that really annoys me !!

ah well test booked next month bring it on!!
[TW]Fox said:
I hope you get some observation skills before you drive again. Many signs are not lit, doesn't mean you can just plain ignore them or not bother to look for them.

yeah i did go through it i was following the car infront and they obviously knew it was no entry i didnt...

I will go get a pic of the bit as its really pathetic really its no entry for about 2 meters of road then the whole road going up is fine its just some of them weird stupid places where they stick no entrys for no reason, a few years ago they never used to be any no entry signs there!
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