My dads 50th present..."Mini studio..well a rocording Mic and software"

30 Dec 2003
Well...for my dads 50th me and my sister found my dads old Tape caset that he recored his own songs on "about 30yrs ago" We have since put them onto a CD..and hes been talking about how he would love to re-record them. And since he has more spair time now i would love to see him get back into his song writing and recording...Though technology has come forward since he last did it on his tape recorder.

I remember watching the gadget show on channel 5 a few months back and there was a microphone device that wasnt too expensive but i got some really good reviews.....

Now i dont want to spend hundereds of pounds..i just want to get my dad set up so he can re-record his songs onto his pc...he will use is guitar also. "isnt electric" so can you sound gurus reccomend me something that is "plug and play" that will offer some good results for my dad...and help him get back into song writing again.
Twenty years ago, my brother had an acoustic guitar pickup which he could plug into any line-in on an amplifier. I imagine such devices are still available and should be able to plug into a PC's line-in socket.

A microphone should be easy to get.

For recording software, Audacity.
If you want something quite cheap, look at the samson USB range - they are large diaphragm condenser mics but are USB, they usually come with some basic sequencing/multitracking software too. To keep up to date with music technology, i strongly recommend you buy Sound On Sound magazine, plus reading the website, it will help you (and your dad) get to grips with how much it's moved on in the last 30 years.
The Samson G-Track is really good

Here's the spec

Large diaphragm studio condenser microphone
Mic and Instrument/Line gain control with clip LED
Stereo input jacks for instruments or line level signal
Stereo headphone jack for no latency monitoring with level control
3-position headphone switch for stereo, mono, computer monitoring
USB bus-powered and compliant
Audio I/O and USB cables included
Desktop microphone stand included
Optional shockmount available

I think it's good value and just looks like a microphone.

Check out some different recording packages some have free trials.
Audacity is very good and is free.
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