My E6400 Build uATX

19 Jan 2007
Hi I thought I share my build with you lot, tell me what you think:

After my stockists started to muck me around for my abit board, I decided to stick with a Asrock Conroe 945g DVI Motherboard w/ an E6400 stepping, I have been informed these clock quite high : L629B282, this is my build so far:

The board w/ cpu

then the Zalman cooler, a low profile monster, much easier to install then the intel stock cooler, my temps for a few hours now have been stable @ idle 40-42 but that should improve as time goes on:

now for my case equipped with a 120mm blowout & 80mm front intake, cheap winpower 650w Psu w/ 120mm fan:

and now the completed pc:

Im currently using Kingston 2 x 1GB PC5300 Modules, looking to clock soon will post up pics.
I got these results from my board, I seem to have hit the wall at 325fsb as it won't go any further, bios reads 2.61ghz, is this the norm for a 6400, me old 6600 use to hit upto 2.8 on this board.

Stepping on my cpu: L629B282, Im just wandering now, how would have the abit compared ?

WJA96 said:
Sometimes, Mr. Musx64, the world just deals you a good hand, and you got one with your L629B stepping processor. In my own testing they average 200MHz more than the equivalent stepping for anything other than L628B, which are slightly better again.

Your question about how much more would you have got from the Abit is very easy, you would have got 2.8Ghz guaranteed with the Abit, and possibly 3.0GHz if you could have hit 375FSB (only 2 reports so far, neither verified) so you don't have the best performance possible, but you have good performance for the money and the comfort of knowing that when they do launch a high FSB mATX motherboard you've got 3.6-3.8GHz available from your Golden Stepping CPU. :)

You have a way with words Mr. WJA96
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