My favourite shot so far

21 Apr 2004
Sunny Wales
Well, hiked up the mountain behind my house last night to take some photo's of the sunset. Unfortunately they didn't come out too good. But luckily, I took a quick shot of my dog with my 50mm on and I was well chuffed with the results. I was really happy with the colours that the sun setting gave and have only had a minor tweak with the levels. Shot in RAW and if I zoom in on either eye, there's a good reflection of me taking the picture. C+C welcome.

"PLAY? PLAY? PLAY PLAY PLAY!?" (10 points for whoever gets it!)

Nice shot :)
Hope you don't mind. Just tweaked his left side a bit, it was a little dark becuase of the shadow. You could have course make it look a lot better when using the RAW file for adjustments though.

Fair play, you've tweaked it well! My photoshopping skills do need a bit of work but I'll see what I can get out of it.

And his expression was more along the lines of, 'what's that idiot doing there, we should be diving in the pond!'
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