Just found out how to do it so here are my first attempts! Have recently bought a 350D but havent had a chance to use it yet
So here are a few shots taken with my IXUS 55! Now I just need some nice weather to try out the 350D.... Cant wait!

A.N.Other said:I like those, but I do like selective colouring in B&W photos, so I'm biased. Personally, I think no 1 is the best.
Are you simply using the desaturate feature in PS to do that? If you search through the recent threads, cyKey posted a good PS action that gives much better B&W photos. Doing that, with the colour original overlayed with a layer mask gives much better results, I've found. You then simply paint over the bits you want coloured (like, I assume, you've done there).
Good work though.
number41 said:Thanks all. Could people recommend a good Macro and Zoom lens for the 350D please? The stock one is ok for regular shots, but I would like to pick out detail in macro shots and have a zoom lens for wildlife photography. So any cheapish, but good lenses anyone can recommend?