my first bit of photoshop! - couple of q's

19 Oct 2002
hey peeps... look what i made :)

<EDIT> been asked to take this pic down until its completely finished as its a marketing thing... soz, the questions below still stand if anyone can help with the answers? </EDIT>

• the "shadow" around the brick is an outer-bevel, and the texture on the brick is an inner-bevel with the texture option clicked... now, i had to do these with two identical layers of bricks as i couldn't work out how to do two lots of bevel on the same layer, is this possible?

• how would i apply such a texture without using the bevel option? i.e. if i wanted the texture but NOT (however i did in this case) the bevel effect around the edge? the "texture" effect just doesnt seem to cut it for that lurvly 3d effect...

let me know what you reckon to my first real play :)
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Been watching the Pixel Perfect videos at revision3 ;)?

Looks good. I'd say the grain is a bit too strong/sharp on the bricks, a little softening up with a gaussian blur might help. I'm not sure 'Come to brick wall?' sounds right; 'Hit a brick wall?' would be better, but then it somewhat contradicts the 'we've got a big hammer' part.
damn right mate... good stuff ain't it - i have added plenty of my own stylin tho :)

loved his "fantasy effects" vid too ;)

anyone know about the texture questions?
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