My first ever attempt at home made soup/broth!

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
Hi guys.

I'm having a go at my first ever home made soup! (following my health kick -

Here goes....

finely chopped oniions first, softened up

Next I chopped up 1 large potato

Then chopped some fresh corriander

Added to the onions

Then I peeled and chopped loads of carrots

Added to the mix

Then added some finely chopped garlic

Finally adding my left over beef stock from my roast dinner

Bought it to the boil, and now simmering for 40mins. Once cooked I will put it through my blender :)

I will serve with some fresh corriander on top and some black pepper and a wholemeal roll.
Because I had roast beef for lunch, and the stock was left

(I cook beef by getting the joint putting it in a cassarole dish anbd pour boiling water over the meat and put lid on and cook in oven for a few hours)
I used the stock from this. Better than waste it.

Of course next time it will be veg stock.
Ace try real chicken stock. Boil a chicken or even some chicken legs, breasts.

It will not only give good flavour but they can be broken down for adding to the soup, plus reasonably low fat with the added bonus of keeping you feeling fuller too.

Keep up the hard work and my full respect too mate.

EDIT: Oh and get some real garlic, not that lazy or powered stuff ;)
you don't blend it :confused:

chuck all the stuff in pan let it stew down. that's it.

after the first reheat probably be even better :p
Adding the coriander before blitzing made it that odd colour. Use the stalks before blitzing and the chopped leaves after for a more attractive orange with green highlights look.

And the beef stock would overpower it all anyway
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