My first ever build, a few pics ....

12 Jul 2012
I just want to say thanks to those people that helped me select my components for my build, ive never built a PC before, this was my first go.

The case is a Corsair 650D, it has an i5 3570k, cooler master 612s, Z77X-D3H motherboard, Samsung 830 SSD, Corsair Vengeance memory and the usual other bits and bobs that make it all work :)





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Thanks for the comments, i just took my time. It wasn't that neat at the back to start with, my main goal was to get it up and running, once it had been running for a while and it seemed stable i upgraded some of the cables which gave me the perfect oppertunity to neaten up the cables at the back.

I bought a roll of velcro, the type which you can cut to your own lengths and used some cable ties to keep the thick power cables tight against the case.

I enjoyed it, credit to those people that have built some great systems on here, once you have built a system of your own you appreciate the work and planning that has gone into the more high end systems that you seen on here, mines pretty basic compared to some you see, it needed to be that way with it being my first build. By taking the plunge and building my own its given me a far better understanding of computers and broadened my knowledge.
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you do know you can remove that plastic mould where the hard drive cage was? There are 4 screws located underneath it, so you'll need to turn the case in it's side for access to remove them.
you do know you can remove that plastic mould where the hard drive cage was? There are 4 screws located underneath it, so you'll need to turn the case in it's side for access to remove them.

Thanks manju, yeh i had noticed that. The reason ive left it in is its ideal for hiding a couple of cables like the firewire and fan cable for the front etc, it sits below the fan so doesn't obstruct anything.
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