My first gig by myself

4 Sep 2005
Well it finally happened. Had my first solo gig on Friday. :D

It went OK.. I've played gigs before in various bands, but this is my first one I've done by myself. And as such I was quite nervous. I think that was the main reason for a lot of the inaccuracies in my playing. But that said, I was happy with how I played and performed and really enjoyed it. :D

For now I only have one video, and it's of me performing Tommy Emmanuel's arrangement of Classical Gas.

And for the record, I can play this better in the privacy of my own home. The nerves made me fudge up a little. Still pleased with it though. :D
Thanks. :D :D :D

Not a huge fan of Trace, but no denying his talent. Rodrigo y Gabriela are awesome though. :cool:
:D :D

Sorry I haven't thanked you all for your kind comments, but I've just got back from Glastonbury. Well I got back at 9 o'clock but have slept for a few hours. :p

Thank you all. :D
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