My first Mac - thinking of getting macbook/macbookpro

26 Jan 2005
Newcastle, UK
Hi all,

As I sit here in my room, reformatting both my main machine and my gaming laptop, again - I found myself browsing some of Apple's products.

I've been thinking about it for some time, but I'm not sure if I can achieve my requirements.

I'm a web developer/designer by profession, but I also have a hobby in digital photography and graphics. This means that the flexibility of a laptop is nice to take to and from home/work.

I really like the look of Apple monitors, but on their website I can only see the 24" version. I've heard these are great for graphics and photography.

1) My first question is: does anybody know if smaller apple monitors are available which are still good for digital photography?

2) My next question: is either the MB/MBP capable of handling an additional 2x external monitors? As I'd rather have two smaller 20" or 22" monitors than one big one. When running in external monitor mode, having the macbook screen is not essential.

Any have any ideas as to whether I can achieve this or something similar?
1. Apple did a 20" model Cinema Display in their previous generation range. Unfortunately they are not LED like the current 24" version.

2. MacBooks and MacBook Pros are only capable of using one external monitor however, you could use more if you use Matrox's Graphics eXpansion Module.

I remember you from Newcastle University especially when you used your huge Dell laptop during the lectures :p
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1) My first question is: does anybody know if smaller apple monitors are available which are still good for digital photography?
There is no new 'proper' Cinema monitor range yet. The only one is the somewhat useless 24" Mini Displayport only screen. Ok for Macbook folk but not great for anyone else. Top end NEC monitors are usually better than Apple's. The large Dells are also used by people who are slightly less anal.

2) My next question: is either the MB/MBP capable of handling an additional 2x external monitors? As I'd rather have two smaller 20" or 22" monitors than one big one. When running in external monitor mode, having the macbook screen is not essential.
There is only one external output.

What are you trying to do? Replace your desktop and laptop with one machine?
If you want a portable machine and a machine that supports two identical screens, you're looking at a big outlay.
I'm a web developer/designer by profession, but I also have a hobby in digital photography and graphics. This means that the flexibility of a laptop is nice to take to and from home/work.

I really like the look of Apple monitors, but on their website I can only see the 24" version. I've heard these are great for graphics and photography.

1) My first question is: does anybody know if smaller apple monitors are available which are still good for digital photography?

17" MacBook Pro + decent external monitor. Doesn't have to be Apple and unless you can afford the 24" LED Apple Cinema Display then I'd say not to bother with an Apple monitor.

That's not going to be cheap but it will give you the portability (OK the 17" MBP is big but I assume you won't lug it round every waking moment) and a lot of screen estate. The 15" MBP will still give you good screen size and resolution should the outlay for the above make you cry.

You cannot drive more than one monitor from an Apple laptop (or iMac) without third party hardware. However given the resolution of the MBP + 22"+ external monitor I don't see the point of three monitors.

Oh and don't forget to add around £100 to your budget for a screen calibration device given the nature of your work and some money for Aperture as well....
I remember you from Newcastle University especially when you used your huge Dell laptop during the lectures :p

Haha, small world. What was your name, which lectures? :P

Thanks for the replies, most helpful. Yeah, as sexy as the apple monitors are, there's really no need for the anal price tag. I've heard they're not actually that great for design anyway because of the glare.

I already have stuff like a screen calibrator etc, the only thing I don't have are decent monitors.

I think I'll take a look at the NEC monitors.

As said, either the 15" or 17" macbook pro with a 22" monitor will be good enough. Do both of these allow me to plug in any brand of external monitor?
2. MacBooks and MacBook Pros are only capable of using one external monitor however, you could use more if you use Matrox's Graphics eXpansion Module.

I remember you from Newcastle University especially when you used your huge Dell laptop during the lectures :p

That's not true. The current MBP's can run 2 i thought using the mini displayport to dual dvi adapter. Or is that just to use a 30" monitor?
Haha, small world. What was your name, which lectures? :P

My name is Jonathan, I'm friends with Tim who I'm pretty sure you know who :p

I did CS and did most of the modules that were shared with the IT students and you may remember me since I may have been the only student to have a MacBook Pro in our year :o

There's a couple of other CS students on these forums too but not in these particular sections :p

I already have stuff like a screen calibrator etc, the only thing I don't have are decent monitors.

Do you have a hardware calibrator?

I could benefit from using one *hint* *hint* ;) :p

As said, either the 15" or 17" macbook pro with a 22" monitor will be good enough. Do both of these allow me to plug in any brand of external monitor?

As long as you get the mini-DVI adaptors required for a DVI (preferably) or VGA connections, you can use any brand monitors :)

That's not true. The current MBP's can run 2 i thought using the mini displayport to dual dvi adapter. Or is that just to use a 30" monitor?

Pretty sure it's only used with the 30" ACD :o
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