My first Macbook

22 Sep 2006
Chelmsford, Essex
Got it today (sorry for the awful pics :()




Just got to get a nice little carry case for it now...
Very nice dude. Wish I could afford a MBP.

Getting tired of seeing new MB's that are way more powerful than mine for much less £££. I'm sure I paid roughly £1k for mine with 1gig ram, now your getting them for £700 with 4gig ram. :(

It's certainly hit my finances hard getting one (was hoping to get a new car in the near future) but it's the must have product in the office at the moment so I couldn't been seen to be left behind :p

I'm only beginning to see what it's capable off though as I keep finding new brilliant little touches, Love it!
Yeah just got mine this afternoon, loving it so far was a bit nervous in spending a lot of money on a laptop but it seems to have been worth every single penny. The battery is brilliant and the screen is lovely (got the glossy). Coupled this with OS X and I'm a very happy bunny.

What spec did you get mate?

Got the 2.4ghz/2gb version myself :)

Oh and this is my very first post on OC using it :D
Yep got the same and the performance is incredible :) Upped the hdd to 250gb and its flying. I have had this without battery since 3.30 and its still saying its got 40 mins left.

You enjoying yours matey?

Still very much still in the learning phase myself, getting used to all the differences between OSX and Windows but yeah so far so good.

Agree with you about the performance, everything is instant and I've got what I consider a high spec main rig but I can really tell the difference :eek:
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