My first watercooled PC

1 Aug 2010
So I decided to build my first watercooled system!

It's nearly where I want it to be. It's taken a lot long than anticipated and I'll most certainly do things differently on my next attempt (including that bottom 45 degree tube )

This is a full EK system. I originally had the Lian Li distro plate but this had a faulty leaky pump.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback for improvements welcomed!

Lian Li o11 Dynamic XL
2080TI 16GB
Corsair Vengeance PRO
EK parts throughout

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Super sweet man, yeah you've managed to do what I couldn't because I have the MIDI version of that case, vertical GPU, because you have the additional height, I can't do that with a bottom fan in mine as you can see below... however, very sweet. yeah only thing I'd say is, that 45 degreee pipe spoils the flow of the case (not water flow)... just looks off with everything else nicely aligned
... feels like it needs to go along the bottom then up or something... however man,thats gorgeous bet your'e made up with it... what's your temps like? Can't see a water temp in there?

Yours looks amazing buddy. I love the white theme!!!

Yeah absolutely. That will be the first thing I change when I bleed it next. I'd lost so much will power at the end of this that I decided to keep it

Temps are pretty good. Got a nice overclock on the cpu and GPU.

Only tested in game temperatures but the GPU sits at 40-45 and the CPU at 50-55. Super silent baring some coil whine from the GPU.
Looks awesome, currently considering building my first loop and looking at parts, thinking I might just start with the CPU first.

How nerve wracking was it installing the GPU water block ? any sleepless nights ? Thats the only bit that concerns me really. I plan on upgrading my current GPU so wouldn't do it to this one, but not sure how comfortable I would feel taking a new 1 apart considering what they cost.
Looks awesome, currently considering building my first loop and looking at parts, thinking I might just start with the CPU first.

How nerve wracking was it installing the GPU water block ? any sleepless nights ? Thats the only bit that concerns me really. I plan on upgrading my current GPU so wouldn't do it to this one, but not sure how comfortable I would feel taking a new 1 apart considering what they cost.
Hi pal, tbh, it's easy, really is, I literally took a 5700XT apart. Around 12 screws on the rear, unplug the little fan on the board... then replaced the heat pads on the little memory chips and the vrms, then cleaned the thermal paste off and put my own on, then literallyed screwed the GPU waterblock back on... nice and tight... and that was it, wasn't much at all done in 1 hour really easy actually tbh once you do one once. Go for it mate, mine was a first time water cooling as well and look at what we've done! You'll enjoy it!
Looks awesome, currently considering building my first loop and looking at parts, thinking I might just start with the CPU first.

How nerve wracking was it installing the GPU water block ? any sleepless nights ? Thats the only bit that concerns me really. I plan on upgrading my current GPU so wouldn't do it to this one, but not sure how comfortable I would feel taking a new 1 apart considering what they cost.

Thanks buddy. It's honestly not that bad. With it being the first time I was really cautious about everything I did.

I think the worst part on this build was everything was in bits for a good week. I couldn't test anything. The anxiety certainly kicked in a few times
Looks great. Some cable extensions for PCIe power cables would tidy it a little. And I think you should have a go at more 90 degree hard tube runs when you next drain the system. Would sharpen it up a little. Impressive for your first loop.
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