My first wedding shoot

6 Feb 2003
My mate asked me to be the photographer for his wedding. Little did I know how much hard work it would be!

I found it most difficult in the church where I couldnt use flash and instead of the tripod the groom had promised to bring I only got a monopod which is about as stable as a mechanical bull. I didnt get a chance to get the 50mm 1.8 so I was stuck at around f4.5/f5.6 which was pretty sucky so up the iso was cranked to compensate - thank god for noise reduction software is all I can say! Was also dissapointed on having to use the on-camera flash in the reception hall during the speaches etc, it made the pics just look like standard snapshots :(

Oh and I also had to use manual focus on my sigma because the AF was too noisey :o not really an ideal set of circumstances for good pictures..

Anyway I think (somehow) I managed to get a fair few decent ones. Would appreciate any comments especially on the processing, thanks.


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