My fist drive in 12 months w000h000

20 Sep 2003
Just been for my first drive in a year since being banned last February and it feels good :D

My licence is valid from the 1st Feb and i just nipped upto the garage there at the stroke of 12 to fill her up. Man i cant wait for work to finish tomorrow :D
Nice one Dez :D

Bet you're so glad you didn't sell her afterall eh?

I saw a silver RSAP Mondy just a few weeks after reading about your ban. It had BK299's, same as yours and it instantly hit me as to what a nice looking car it was :)
seems harsh, how could resist the temptation not to take it for a spin during that whole year, doubt i would have survived, i love driving.

man i just want to drive but i cant as i have to get up for work in the morning

its gonna be a long day tomorrow thats for sure
299s may look nice but they are ***** to maintain, trust me

i constatnly worried that they are gonna corros away and i will only ujse soapy water this time to clean them as i dont want a repeat of the last ones
My dad has had 299's on his Rover for almost 2 years (might actually be 3 this year :o)

He's had no problems with them... apart from when the Rover garage curbed one of them and took a nice gash out of it *cries*

Fox, oh yeah I forgot you were getting a BM. Ah well, I'm sure that'll look sweet sat on a set of 19" wheels :cool:
yea tell me about it m8 just waiting for the weekend i can get my audio setup and go for a run.

agw: what does your dad use to clean his wheels and are they the same kind as mine, ie, the silver ones ?
Glad to be back on the road m8

From the short distance ive traveled to work so far it seems fine but i havent had it properly tickled up yet. Its had a brand new alternator fitted and a metal water pump is on order so will get that fitted soon.

Next thing i need is a decent car audio battery.
Amazing that the car has been sat and only started for the past year and its still running great, most cars go downhill when sat for ages.

Glad to here your back on the road, my ex had a fit and couldn't drive not happy times!
Congrats mate, glad to hear it you must feel ace. I can't stand not driving for a week, so you must feel superb.

I wanna buy you something shiny, for your car, for some reason, as a present :D
I went for my first (proper) drive since the end of May yesterday and it was good fun. Due to finances, I havent been able to afford insurance, but now I have my car, my insurance and everything else sorted. Weird thing is I haven't driven my car yet, just my dads and my mums!

It's weird I was just starting not to miss driving, but already I'm taking unnecessary trips and things :D
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