My fun project! I am making a website!

12 May 2005
Ok, I know this should probablly go in the graphic arts section, but before mods move it, hang on I dont want advice on code or anything like that :P

I am going to be making a website on graphic arts (IE 3d work, photoshop, hand drawn) music (whatever music creation stuff you want basically) and even writting and acting. Pretty much everything under one thing. Now I will be the first to admit, I am going pretty slow with it. (ha ha ha... I made a funny as currently my 10MB NTL connection crawls along at like 1K a second) but I am figuring out styles/colour schemes/content.

It will have forums (yes I will be needing mods, but please don't put your name forward yet, I dont have the site started really, so I would prefer to wait a bit longer before asking) The rules for the forums will basically be similar to OcUK (no swearing, arguing kept to a minimum, that kinda thing). I will probablly give early registers an email address to at my site (not sure on that one though)

So why the post then I hear you yell! well,I was just wondering if anyone had any suggested topics they wanted to see in the forum/my website? as said, it will cover graphic work/music/that stuff in general. So feel free to comment.

Lastly, I already know who one super mod will be (and he knows via helping me out over msn on my domain thing) so dont think I forgot ya mate ;)
MoNkeE said:
Game design \o/

As in both a show-off area for WIP work as well as a knowledge base on how to improve each others art (IE how to get the most of bump mapping).


I was thinking of adding a upload section to the site. Perhaps allowing members to upload samples of their work kind of like a public gallery or something. Good idea or bad?
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