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My GPU is dying...

9 Feb 2021
2 years ago almost to the day, I built a new Computer.
I went from an AMD FX-6100 6core to an AMD Threadripper 2920x 12core 24 thread, 32GB RAM, Nvme m.2 boot drive the works... My GPU (an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB) was still good at the time, It did the job I wanted it to and I felt as though Nvidia were close to releasing a new generation GPU soon (Semi correct)
Instead of dropping an extra £700-800 into an RTX 2080 Super I saved it, dropped it into my Savings account and played the waiting game.

In September of Last year, I Proudly ordered an EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Gaming... This was the first time in my life I have ever ordered something at launch, and I'm so happy I was capable of doing it at the time...

Its been 6 months now and I have received no word what so ever on the news of what is going on with the EVGA RTX 30 series GPU's and I'm desperate to get what I have paid for.

I work full time as a Twitch streamer, Youtube content creator and 3D digital Character artist.
and I'm sure some of you may be aware of how physically demanding Doing this kind of work can be on your Graphics cards and hardware... especially when its Gaming hardware.

more recently my GTX 1060 has started showing Visual glitches on my monitors, occasional Lagg spikes during my streams and dropped frames during Games regardless of how Low intensity the graphics are.
I need my new GPU to get here soon.

I'm trapped in a state of if I cancel I will have to re-enter a Que to get another GPU within the RTX 30 series, Drop double in to get an RTX 3090 or Settle for a cheaper less powerful GPU that's priced the same.

This is my livelihood, My job and my career on hold right now just waiting to get something I paid half a year ago to arrive.
Given this is your livelihood you may just need to bite the bullet and pay more than you wanted.

Alternatively sign up to stock alerting discords and aim to buy either a 3070FE or 3090FE. Drops are relatively regular and those two specific cards are significantly easier to get than the others... after finally giving up on waiting for a sensibly priced 3080 I got a 3090FE on the first time of trying.

You can keep your other order in the meantime, and when it finally comes time to get it you can refuse it or sell the 3090FE or 3070FE likely for at least what you paid for them even a couple of months from now.
depending on your income, u can try social media market place, and go get something like 3070 for 700£(bad price) again it all depends what you prepared to pay.
I should mention that I am currently 3rd out of around 14 people waiting for the EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Gaming GPU... there has been 0 Shipped of this model since the 3080 series was released..
ALL the EVGA GPUs seem confined to the US or being sent out to Chinese Crypto Mining farms... or even worse being stolen mid delivery :|

at this point, EVGA and all the other GPU manufacturers of the RTX 30 series should message all the retailers and ask how many pre-orders are currently backlogged... Tell them all to stop accepting new Pre-orders then just fulfil all the existing orders...
it honestly feels like some places in the US don't have this issue and are just putting them on the shelves then are instantly gone.

Meanwhile, in the UK we have had maybe 56 Total EVGA RTX 30 series shipped via Overclockers in the last 6+ months... I know Brexit has become a problem for shipping but cmon, wtf.

If.you need it to make money surely the obvious option would be to get a 3090 if they are in stock, surely you would end up spending more waiting for the 3080?

With regards to the responses so far from people telling me "why don't I just get a new GPU or upgrade to an RTX 3090" Well...
at this point, I would love to just drop double what I already did into an RTX 3090... However, after ordering my 3080 I contracted COVID and my health has sadly been up and down since then... and I only recently started recovering properly from the effects.

On top of all of this, I am looking to move to a larger place to give me more studio space to improve my work situation even further....

I'm honestly not an impatient person, but I just want news with what's happening with the EVGA GPU situation
You need to forget about that card, it's not coming, get your money back and buy whatever you can. Those EVGA cards are vapourware. It's not what you to hear but it's a way out.

I hope your health improves soon, and good luck with your career.
2 years ago almost to the day, I built a new Computer.
I went from an AMD FX-6100 6core to an AMD Threadripper 2920x 12core 24 thread, 32GB RAM, Nvme m.2 boot drive the works... My GPU (an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB) was still good at the time, It did the job I wanted it to and I felt as though Nvidia were close to releasing a new generation GPU soon (Semi correct)
Instead of dropping an extra £700-800 into an RTX 2080 Super I saved it, dropped it into my Savings account and played the waiting game.

In September of Last year, I Proudly ordered an EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Gaming... This was the first time in my life I have ever ordered something at launch, and I'm so happy I was capable of doing it at the time...

Its been 6 months now and I have received no word what so ever on the news of what is going on with the EVGA RTX 30 series GPU's and I'm desperate to get what I have paid for.

I work full time as a Twitch streamer, Youtube content creator and 3D digital Character artist.
and I'm sure some of you may be aware of how physically demanding Doing this kind of work can be on your Graphics cards and hardware... especially when its Gaming hardware.

more recently my GTX 1060 has started showing Visual glitches on my monitors, occasional Lagg spikes during my streams and dropped frames during Games regardless of how Low intensity the graphics are.
I need my new GPU to get here soon.

I'm trapped in a state of if I cancel I will have to re-enter a Que to get another GPU within the RTX 30 series, Drop double in to get an RTX 3090 or Settle for a cheaper less powerful GPU that's priced the same.

This is my livelihood, My job and my career on hold right now just waiting to get something I paid half a year ago to arrive.

Most of these cards die due to thermal pads and paste degrading. Some die "natural" deaths, but that is actually quit rare.
Have you considered repasting your card and replacing the thermal pads? I don't know the size of the original pads, but you can buy a calipers for very cheap.
I should mention that I am currently 3rd out of around 14 people waiting for the EVGA RTX 3080 XC3 Gaming GPU... there has been 0 Shipped of this model since the 3080 series was released..
ALL the EVGA GPUs seem confined to the US or being sent out to Chinese Crypto Mining farms... or even worse being stolen mid delivery :|

at this point, EVGA and all the other GPU manufacturers of the RTX 30 series should message all the retailers and ask how many pre-orders are currently backlogged... Tell them all to stop accepting new Pre-orders then just fulfil all the existing orders...
it honestly feels like some places in the US don't have this issue and are just putting them on the shelves then are instantly gone.

Meanwhile, in the UK we have had maybe 56 Total EVGA RTX 30 series shipped via Overclockers in the last 6+ months... I know Brexit has become a problem for shipping but cmon, wtf.

With regards to the responses so far from people telling me "why don't I just get a new GPU or upgrade to an RTX 3090" Well...
at this point, I would love to just drop double what I already did into an RTX 3090... However, after ordering my 3080 I contracted COVID and my health has sadly been up and down since then... and I only recently started recovering properly from the effects.

On top of all of this, I am looking to move to a larger place to give me more studio space to improve my work situation even further....

I'm honestly not an impatient person, but I just want news with what's happening with the EVGA GPU situation
then go for a 3070, the point is the same, if your without a card your loosing money. so it will cost you more in the long run simply not upgrading... i hope you manage to get what you are after but sometimes you have to make due and either spend more or choose a lesser version or wait. it sucks but its the world we live in now..
I legit woke up this morning and looked around on every possible online retailer I trust and there is no GPU's available anywhere with even the lower specs I need...

I genuinely feel like the only option I have right now is to keep my pre-order and just wait it out...
I honestly just want some information with what's happening with the EVGA cards and the UK/EU right now... they seem non-existent
Sorry to hear all this - it's a crappy situation when your livelihood depends on a GPU. It's hard enough at the moment just for us casual enthusiasts.

There are stocks of 3070's around in places but you HAVE to join a discord server like PartAlert. There are several stock drops in the UK each day across different retailers and they're usually gone within minutes. A 3070 is your best bet of getting something quick. If and when your 3080 turns up you can decide which to sell.

Option 2 as pointed out is getting something second hand but anything remotely close to a 1060 performance is going to cost over £200 and is a risk as it could be 2-3 years old.

Unfortunately your post count won't unlock the members market here on the forums which is a shame. There are plenty of GPUs trading there.
I legit woke up this morning and looked around on every possible online retailer I trust and there is no GPU's available anywhere with even the lower specs I need...

I genuinely feel like the only option I have right now is to keep my pre-order and just wait it out...
I honestly just want some information with what's happening with the EVGA cards and the UK/EU right now... they seem non-existent

loads of 3070s if you look around for around £700
Shortages are expected to go on through the first half of 2021. Cryptocurrencies have just gone up again. It's really not looking good until maybe June. Although all the waiting is bad, at least you are on a queue. Sooner or later you will get the card before the other helpless folk who aren't even on one.
I'm just gonna hold on to my Pre-order and hope EVGA sends out some of the GPU's at some point soonish.
Given that I'm 3rd all I need is a small/okish sized Shipment of them to turn up and I'm Gucci.

till then I'm just gonna have to hope my 1060 doesn't just full-on die on me
I'm just gonna hold on to my Pre-order and hope EVGA sends out some of the GPU's at some point soonish.
Given that I'm 3rd all I need is a small/okish sized Shipment of them to turn up and I'm Gucci.

till then I'm just gonna have to hope my 1060 doesn't just full-on die on me

Get something off ebay
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