My i5 Build

1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
OK, so I have known for a long time that my Q6600 with 8800GTS just cannot cut the mustard any more, so moved forward with an average, but fairly capable build. Luckily the cost came down slightly as I was able to re-use some components from my old PC.

To Start. Old PC and shiny new case


An empty Obsidian 650D


After a bit of demolition work, I had my salvage parts ready


Started. PSU and drives first to go in.


Once that was done, the motherboard and CPU went in, followed by the RAM.


The design of the case left me able to fit the cooler while in the case which was very handy. Cooler was soon on, but I did find the last part of installation where you have to twist the cooler into the retention plate a bit fiddly. Had to do it a couple of tims, so will watching my temps in case there was a thermal paste problem, but all good so far.


When I look at this picture now, the PC looks a little precariously perched :eek:

Pretty much done and dusted then. Just some cabling and a little tidy up and I was left with.


The cabling at the bottom is not great. I'll see what I can do there.

A close up of cooler and RAM. Think the Kingston Hyper X looks great with the Extreme 4 ;)


Another View


All finished!


You may notice there is no graphics card. I will update this thread as soon as one goes in. I am just waiting for prices of the 560Ti to fall slightly.


i5 2500K
ASRock Extreme 4 Gen 3 Mobo
8GB Kingston Hyper X
Corsair HX620 modular PSU
Antec Kuhler H20 620
1TB & 250GB HDD's
Corsair Obsidian 650D

One question for anyone. I have a spare Corsair fan. Can that be used with the Kuhler in a push/pull config to improve cooling?
What's the temps like with the kuhler? I'm tempted by one of these closed loop systems? Not sure if spending the extra few pounds for a custom loop would be worth it over these things. So simple to setup as well. All in one box. hmmmm
Wooo. I just think the Antec cooler logo should be "level"

It was such a git getting it on, I just left when it was on. I know what you mean though. I will probably resit it when I add the card. Just got to get some AS5 as well first. I used to have some cleaner/prep stuff but I don't know where to get that from.
It was such a git getting it on, I just left when it was on. I know what you mean though. I will probably resit it when I add the card. Just got to get some AS5 as well first. I used to have some cleaner/prep stuff but I don't know where to get that from.

OC sell it. Two wee bottles. Smell like weird over powering oranges. It's amazing stuff. The prep stuff is a bit gimmicky IMO and doesn't do much. However the cleaner is amazing. Couldn't be without it.

Top tip: It's also great for cleaning sticky resedue left behind by stickers on your gear.
As you only have 2 hard drives you should move the bay down near the psu and remove the other one totaly to improve airflow from the front fan.
which mounting holes did you use?
Asrock E4 G3 mobo has mounting holes for 775 and 1155/1156 sockets.
775 ones are little bit "rotated"
Right, after a price drop on the MSI 560Ti 2GB to £200, I took the plunge. Received this morning, all fitted, latest drivers in and running smooth.

This will be it until after xmas.

Then I will tweak further starting with an SSD. Then I will look at a bigger PSU to run a second 560Ti.

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