My in game resolotion changes my desktop resolotion

11 Aug 2017
So this has started to happen recently and it might be a small issue to some people , but to me this is a quite bothering issue . One day i just opened up counter strike global offensive , i alt tabbed ot of the game at one point and the resolotion of my desktop was 800x600 stretched which is my resolution in csgo
this was weird since this has never happened before so i closed the game to see if it would chage back to my native resolution 1360x768 and it didnt it stayed at 800x600 so i had to manually change it back everytime and once i was playing csgo and i shutoff my computer while it was open and when i rebooted into widows it was 800x600 so after that when i was playing h1z1[i play h1z1 on 1024x768 i alt tabbed out of the game and it was no issue the resolotion was 1360x768 on the desktop so if anyone has any possible solutions please inform me [ it tried to change my resolution to 1024x768 on csgo but that didnt change anything .
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