My journey into fitness/weightloss.

The diet is something im stuck on,i know what to eat regarding "good food" but need some advice on different options on what to eat,ill eat anything so no problem there,im not looking to "bulk up" just lose weight and be fit.

Regarding the gym,ill be going on a monday and a thursday to start with and then increase the tim spent there in the future.

I am looking for some running shoes though if you could point me in the right direction.
Right.its been 6 days without a smoke and feel really positive,been drinking bucket loads of water and eating lots of fruit.

Still need some advice on what kind of meals that are tasty and healthy.

Also need some running shoes as ill be starting the gym in 3 weeks.
Been nearly 2 weeks without a smoke and feel great,lost nearly a stone and have joined a gym to start running.
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I put loads of info in the opening post but no one replied so took it down.

Wanted some help and info but no one replied.

What an uninteresting way to throw your teddies, at least do it with some gusto if you're going to do it!

It's not about throwing my teddies out of my pram.

Im no freefaller or kai (yes i read there threads a lot) but just as determined if not more determined to achieve my goals.

I asked for some help and with over 100 views i got none,if i was a regular here i would probably get a reply pretty quickly,im not saying i should have got a reply sooner but can you see my point ? been on ocuk for over 5 years so im a regular,just because i dont post in a certain area of the forums does not mean im not interested.

I have left a question in this thread still but no reply,because my name is not a regular on the sports threads no one took me seriously.

I thought we were all here to help one another :)
I am serious,so ill get that one out of the way.

My diet consists of salad and fruit,i have a cheat meal on a sunday which can include anything to be honest.

Im not bulking up but training for running,my goal is to run a marathon,be it the london marathon or another well known one.

If there is any questions you want answering to then please ask :)
At the moment im losing weight and running a small amount at the gym.

I started my weight at 14 stone 11lb and want to hit the 12 stone mark.

For now it's salad in the evening and fruit when im hungry at work (i work nights).

I have wholemeal bread (toasted) with honey and peanut butter in the morning when i get home,if im going to the gym after work at 7am i normally have some fruit or a healthy snack bar.

I have lost nearly a stone in just under 2 weeks so my goal is looking good.

Had my body fat measured today at the gym and it was 25% (not sure if this is good or bad:)) im 45 so not looking to lose weight quickly but feel my goal of 12 stone is not far away once the running gets more frequent.
I've been 12 stone before an did look good due to the fact I was heavily into body building in my early 20's.

I'll be doing a few weights once my weight has hit the 12 stone mark.
Right,been hitting the running machine all week and my legs feel like there going to drop off.

Had a hour run at a steady 9.5km and felt good,no out of breath or coughing my guts up what so ever.

Want to run 7km in 30 mins within a month and feel that target is not that hard to reach.

Weight is coming of nicely and not wanted a smoke what so ever :)
So,been injured with a bad sprain/ripped tendon for 2 months,been back to the gym this week for a bit of light cycling and a mile run on the running machine.

Weight loss has been slow due to not being down the gym/running but its still coming off,not had a smoke for roughly 4 months now and dont want one either :)

Had signed up for a half marathon which is in 4 weeks but there is no way ill be doing that due to the injury.

Was up to 5 miles in one run which shocked me,have been taking it pretty easy with the ankle as it's still plays up with numbness and pins and needles but taking one day at a time now.
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