My Laptop won't format/read bigger than 1gig sd :(

8 Jun 2005
Can anyone help me get this damn built in SD card reader to read my 4gig card?

Its a winbond reader as far as I know, built into the front of my HP Compaq nx7000.


no such thing as a 4gb SD card therefore your machine won't read it.....anything above 2gb is an SD HC which needs a different reader i'm afraid mate :(
I wonder if I could buy an new internal sd hc reader and swap it with the pooh I have in there at the moment and have it work?

I don't know if the plugs to the mobo would be the same tho :(

no such thing as a 4gb SD card therefore your machine won't read it.....anything above 2gb is an SD HC which needs a different reader i'm afraid mate :(

Er... not true.

My XDA-Exec quite cheerfully took a 4GB SD card that wasn't HC.

That said, many older SD-card readers won't read them, but that's because of the reader, not the card.
There are 4GB non-hc cards, however not all devices will support them as its outside of the SD spec. atleast this is what I am lead to believe
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