My last lesson before test :-/

23 Feb 2004
Brentwood, Essex
Is at 3pm today, bit nervous for some reason, eaten 8 bananas today and plan to eat another 2, no im not hungry but they are really good on my lessons. I've been taking rescue remedy and hopefully this will pull me through todays lesson and tomorrows test which I have at 10.44am tomorrow morning.
For me its hard to try and teach myself that there is no test insructor there and its just my lesson instructor,

any tips :p

Just hope it doesn't pour down with rain like it did today on the A12, I couldn't see!
wooooooooooooooooooooo passed,

only got 2 minors, 1 for gears and one for not looking in mirror at school crossing.

pretty pleased with what i did today!

god knows how many lessons haven't counted, must be around 30-40hours something round that, been having lessons since november
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