My little jaunt this evening.

18 Sep 2005
I went off hiking toward a tree, or set of trees, that I rather like this evening. Nothing inherently special about them, they're just squat hazelnuts - I like the shapes they make and their gnarly trunks, though.

The trees had tons of hazelnuts growing, not ripened yet (obv.) - but I'll have to go back to have a taste later in the year :-D

The sunset was a bit of a non starter when I got there - I had expected this, clear skies all day - but it's not often I feel I have the energy (read : can be arsed) to walk for 21/2 hours up and down hills, through seriously overgrown woods & fields, and through a few streams, all with a ton of photography gear - so I just went for it anyway :)

I settled on using IR for most stuff - and in turn I was using an 89B filter, I was getting some really really nice crisp B&W's from my 87C, but I just loved the crazy colours from the 89B.

First up a shot of me - sorry about the ****, didn't notice it when shooting :/

My favouritest of all the hazelnuts - got a fair few shots of this one!

Messing around with shadows again :

And a pano - there's another one in some woodland, but that's being a PITA to stitch!

And that's yer lot - comments and suggestions appreciated :-)
NIce pics. I especially like no. 2. The first is quite cool, although your shadow looks like Freddy Krueger!
I like shot 2, I think the isolation theme is good, though the colours of the tree seem a bit bleached out for my liking.

Shot 3 is superb, the colours are fantastic and I love the wacky shadow in there it adds a whole new dimension to the photo. How did you get those colours?

Shot 4 is a very good record shot and would look nice with a black border round it but it doesn't shout to me like 2 and 3 do.

Shot 1 doesn't do anything for me, personally I feel it weakens the impact of the other shots and isn't anywhere near as good...especially with the little 'present' in the middle of it. Personally I would have left it out.

All in all, I like, and would like to know how you got the colours etc in shot 3!
Ooh excellent shots. Good to see your IR shots again, you've definetly got a knack for great IR shots.
Cheers all!
PaulStat said:
nice :), but how do any of those say emotion?

3. Maybe. Kinda. Not great but better than my current entry, which is a bit too minimalist.

TheBigCheese said:
Shot 3 is superb, the colours are fantastic and I love the wacky shadow in there it adds a whole new dimension to the photo. How did you get those colours?

Really underexposed IR shot with a low density IR filter shooting away from a very low sun gave it an intense red cast - then just adjusted using the channel mixer in PS to make it yellow. Or any other colour!

TheBigCheese said:
Shot 1 doesn't do anything for me, personally I feel it weakens the impact of the other shots and isn't anywhere near as good...especially with the little 'present' in the middle of it. Personally I would have left it out.

I agree that it isn't as good as the others, it was just a bit of fun - I noticed that my shadow was hooooge and had a good shape.
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