My Mac Pro arrives

27 Jun 2006
And goes back onto the courier van. :(


Luckily they are open 24 hour so I'm going down to collect it tonight - so I'll take some pictures if anyone is interested.

/too excited
i know exactly how you feel. specs of your mac pro? did you get an acd with it?

2 x Intel Quad Xeon @ 2.8Ghz
10gb RAM (8gb is post purchase)
8800GT 512mb
2 x Western Digital 640gb AAKS in RAID0 and 320GB for Windows (games)
Two 16x SuperDrives
Airport Extreme Card / Bluetooth
Logitech G7 (Importing)
Apple Wireless keyboard

I was going to get a 30" display with it, possibly two 24" displays but the cost pushed me over what I was willing to spend, so I'll probably get either / or when Apple update them. I'll have to settle for my 2707wfp for now, which hopefully won't look too out of place barring the Dell logo. :D
It's an 8800 surprisingly. I can't get over how thin it is, it's crazy.

Reason I had the side off was because I re-installed Leopard on the raid0 array. Wiping the drives and putting them together for a raid is a completely different and painless experience in OS X - just incredibly simple.

8GB should be coming tomorrow so I'll leave the side off and put that in tomorrow. :)
Really is a bad time to find out that Boot Camp doesn't install on a RAID array of any type. :(

It's going to be a long night.
I have no idea poggy. I'm sure someone does who's passing by although it would surprise me if they allowed a CPU-upgrade, they seem to be rather scared of the idea on other products.

J1nxy, I did look at the Revolution, but I didn't really like it. I much preferred the G7. You are right in saying all the buttons aren't sorted for remapping but enough of them are. I'm not a big mouse person anyway (that has all sorts of buttons everywhere on it), I usually find myself at the keyboard for most of my needs. :)
They really are a lovely machine, PAC. I forgot to mention but plugging everything into the back of the machine (even ethernet) makes a reassuring 'clunk'. Inserting a hard drive is laughably easy.

I had to break apart my RAID0 array last night because you can't install Boot Camp if the StartUp disk is raided - that sucked quite lot as the array was lightening.

Installing Windows at the moment and will be installing games thereafter should all go well, but I think I'm going to have to buy a Gaming box at some stage - I did want to split the 320gb drive and have XP and Vista each way, but Boot Camp won't allow that. I could install another drive but I want the last bay to be a backup drive that covers the other 3 drives - so it messes up my plans.

Regardless, the Mac Pro is a lovely machine and it will get my main usage of everything barring gaming - I just wish Apple would make Boot Camp a bit more gaming / high-end friendly. I inevitably didn't know about these limitations until it came to installing Windows last night, my own fault but I assumed it 'would just work'.

I will bench shortly when I get everything to how I like it - RAM arrived this morning so will install that also.
hey Ringo,

It's going good thanks, not a lot to report on at the moment as I've just been doing general stuff but everything is managed quickly!

Gaming has gone pretty well so far. I've only really tested out Medal of Honor: Airborne and Call of Duty 4. Both run pretty well on 1440x900 with medium to high settings. Anything above that and the fps gets cut up.

Put it this way, I'll be awaiting a GFX upgrade at some stage or possibly buying a new Gaming PC [really don't want to do this for ugliness and wallet-sake]. It's decent for gaming but not at the very highest level/resolution.
So not only do they cost a fortune they require a special low-fat, high fibre diet consisting of mainly complex carbohydrates. :(

Err...pretty much. :D

Why Apple haven't made the 8800 GTX available is beyond me. They baffle me with their GFX decisions, I've just given up trying to find reason.

Hopefully they will do at some stage and I'll get it - and then leave out buying computer stuff for quite a while. Promise.
Flight Simulator X would probably bring the GTS to its knees. I know it's a pretty demanding game from what I've heard.

An update to the graphics card would be both expected and justified - just a case of when.
TheVoice, I am indeed running the latest drivers.

I'm not sure it's capable of much more than that, it (COD4) started to push my GTX quite a bit at 1920x1200. But most certainly playable - was doing a bit of ass whooping online last night. :cool:

Bought Sim City 4 today, obviously the true benchmark of any graphics card. Not really but I'm looking forward to playing it. Was going to get the Mac version but I got Supreme Commander and Sim City 4 for half the price of the Mac version.

Just waiting for both games to dissolve in Vista now.
wij, I think you may well be right there. I will give 64-bit a go tomorrow and see if it does anything different.

ringo, if FSX is CPU reliant then I think it may run pretty nicely. ;)
Just to say, upgraded to 64-bit and everything is running like a dream. Everything at full (1920x1200) on Call of Duty 4 without problems.

Vista 64-bit is using 2gb of RAM on idle - no wonder COD4 wasn't great on 32-bit.
I definitely would, ringo. A GTX upgrade (although I don't need it at the moment) would round things off perfectly. :)

2gb is fine for gaming in XP. Vista has upped the wager a bit and the new 'happy place' for RAM is around 3gb - it was definitely the case on my last (and now sold) PC build in January there.
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