My MacBook Pro Upgrade Blog

18 Oct 2002
Well not yet, but thought I'd give heads up on my little upgrade planned for tomorrow (or today as it is). I have 4GB to install, a 320GB Scorpio HDD complete with fresh OSX install and iWork 09 / iLife 09 which arrived a few days ago.

Hope to take some nice shots for all who may be interested. Never really 'upgraded' a laptop before so kinda looking forward to it.

Anyways check bater laterz for pictures etc.

As Cybertronic states! + I'll have those components from the MBP on eBay sunday night to get some green back!

Not started yet, I errr slept in! Currenty typing to you all in just my boxers! Just had a shower & time for my breakfast :p Then I'll start!


Yes, I did buy it from MM - Frank Butcher to be precise!
Right well, where did I start?

Never start a job without tools, it simply isn't a good thing!

#00 Phillips screwdriver was required, which a kind neighbour helped me out with! I actually struggled for 15 minutes with one of those screwdrivers you get out of xmas crackers! :o

Anyway, its beautiful inside, once I got the back cover off.

All went splendid, except I couldn't get the HDD studs that occupy the sides of the old HDD which help fix it to the laptop. I ended up (for the time being) using 4-5mm cuts of a straw so it would fix and lock into place! :p It actually needed a torex screwdriver to remove them.

Switched on, installed OSX / iLife & iWork 09!

Nice little experience, the memory wasn't hard to do, the screws provided the most challenging part of the project but once in it was a case of remove top memory chip remove the bottom and replace but there isnt much room to breath in my opinion!. Suprised to see just how small the 2.5mm HDD's are, it looks like the WD Scorpio is 1 or 2m smaller as well!




Other random pics here: My Gallery


Xbench Results Although I didn't do one before I upgraded.

I came back into here to find out what size torx driver you used, only to be sadly let down when I noticed that you didn't, and used pieces of straw instead!

I bought a nice little 33pc kit online, received it yesterday and yes the gentlemen above is correct its T6! Pretty neat little set with Philips/Torex's and some I have no idea about!

I quickly removed the HDD studs, but since I don't move my MBP I've yet to secure the new HDD! :p:o

Pieces of straw! That nearly beats the customer PC someone brought into a competitor when I worked there (many moons ago while a student) with a HDD "installed" using Blu-Tak!

I'll be sure to take a picture when I get chance to secure it correctly! hehe.
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