My mind was just blown - Quantum Physicists in here please

1 Sep 2007
Santa Monica, California
Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser

I am not at all scientific. I followed the surface of this video quite well but it is now blowing my mind - especially the last space example.

Can we still not explain this? Is there anyway to exploit this behavior even if we don't understand it? I am slightly disturbed by the whole being able to change the "past" aspect of the whole thing!

Edit: What if there was some way to trap an Entangled Photon and have two people carry each around but not know whether you really have one thereby both people carrying one?
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1 Sep 2007
Santa Monica, California
Chance of a summary?

It is high end physics that I barely understand based on a YouTube video. I am not trying to link (bate?) and run. It is genuinely fascinating and I wouldn't be able to explain it...but I will try.

It is a variation of the Quantum Double Slit Experiment. Where the simple act of observing the experiment effects the outcome.
1 Sep 2007
Santa Monica, California
I think the most succinct description is one I just came across "Nothing is real until it has been observed". We are wandering (obviously) into Schrodinger's Cat territory (how advanced was he?!?).

In fact I will just quote: said:
Nothing is real until it has been observed! This clearly needs thinking about. Are we really saying that in the 'real' world - outside of the laboratory - that until a thing has been observed it doesn't exist? This is precisely what the Copenhagen Interpretation is telling us about reality. This has caused some very well respected cosmologists (Stephen Hawking for one) to worry that this implies that there must actually be something 'outside' the universe to look at the universe as a whole and collapse its overall wave function. John Wheeler puts forward an argument that it is only the presence of conscious observers, in the form of ourselves, that has collapsed the wave function and made the universe exist. If we take this to be true, then the universe only exists because we are looking at it. As this is heading into very deep water I think we will have to leave it there and move on to the next experiment.
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